Ah, good point on using the --verbose flag. I'll try re-running the test suite with it as soon as I come in front of my computer (on my mobile ATM).
Adding the b is trivial, thanks for telling me.
For the CallAfter() calling something too soon (before wx.App is created, that is) I have no clue what could be done. Got any specific pointers about this one?
Got any idea why the keyboard cursor rate changes to max setting after
running the test suite?
Nope. I would guess that it has something to do with the crash and that MS Windows does not as good of a job protecting itself from crashing programs as other OSs do.
Ah, good point on using the --verbose flag. I'll try re-running the test suite with it as soon as I come in front of my computer (on my mobile ATM).
Adding the b is trivial, thanks for telling me.
For the CallAfter() calling something too soon (before wx.App is created, that is) I have no clue what could be done. Got any specific pointers about this one?
Find out who is calling it and why, determine if it is just a side-effect of running in the test suite or if it is a general problem. From that decide if something is being done incorrectly and identify if there is a better way to do it that would be safer and would work in both the unittests and in a real program. Implement the change, adding to the unittests if appropriate to ensure that your changes are accurate. Test with both Python 2.7 and 3.3 and then when it works in both submit a PR.