Phoenix status for python3?

I used wxPython for my python2 applications and have moved all future development to python3 (currently running python3-3.6.4. I would like to use the phoenix version for a database application which would use grids for many of the displays. I’ve not followed wxPython for a couple of years now and would like to learn how complete it now is. On a different subject, can I receive mail list messages posted by others to the list via e-mail rather than logging in on google groups? I much prefer having messages pushed to me.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Rich,


On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 6:07 PM, Rich wrote:

I used wxPython for my python2 applications and have moved all future development to python3 (currently running python3-3.6.4. I would like to use the phoenix version for a database application which would use grids for many of the displays. I’ve not followed wxPython for a couple of years now and would like to learn how complete it now is. On a different subject, can I receive mail list messages posted by others to the list via e-mail rather than logging in on google groups? I much prefer having messages pushed to me.

Thanks in advance,


wxPython 4 is compatible with Python 3 and is based on Phoenix. While it is currently marked as beta, people are using it in production as it is very solid. The release candidate should be coming soon as well.

I get emails from the Google group, but I don’t remember how I set that up. You could try using Google to figure it out …

Mike Driscoll


Books: Python 101, Python 201: Intermediate Python

If you don't all ready have one get a (semi) decent email app and point it at, then subscribe to gmane.comp.python.wxpython and gmane.comp.python.wxpython.devel. I've been using Thunderbird for years to do this and have never had a problem.


On 15/01/18 00:07, Rich wrote:

On a different subject, can I receive mail list messages posted by others to the list via e-mail rather than logging in on google groups? I much prefer having messages pushed to me.

Thanks in advance,


My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

wxPython 4 is compatible with Python 3 and is based on Phoenix. While it
is currently marked as beta, people are using it in production as it is
very solid. The release candidate should be coming soon as well.


   I saw on the web site that the beta2 is very solid. I'm working on the script to build it. It's been ~3 years since I used wxPython
so I need to quickly learn the differences between and 4.0.0b2.

I get emails from the Google group, but I don't remember how I set that
up. You could try using Google to figure it out ...

   I must have set something correctly when I joined the group because
list messages now come directly to me.

   Will you be providing wxPython4 tutorials as you did for earlier versions?




On Mon, 15 Jan 2018, Mike Driscoll wrote:

Hi Rich,



I saw on the web site that the beta2 is very solid. I’m working on the script to build it. It’s been ~3 years since I used wxPython

so I need to quickly learn the differences between and 4.0.0b2.

Check out the following links for useful information regarding the differences:

I get emails from the Google group, but I don’t remember how I set that

up. You could try using Google to figure it out …

I must have set something correctly when I joined the group because

list messages now come directly to me.

Will you be providing wxPython4 tutorials as you did for earlier versions?



Most of my tutorials should still work with Phoenix / 4. However I have been updating the ones that don’t with information about how to make them work in wxPython 4. And all my new ones from 2017 should work with wxPython 4 / Phoenix.

If you happen to find some that don’t, I will be happy to update them. I was trying to get them all updated when I put together my wxPython Cookbook, but I might have missed a few.



Rich wrote:

On a different subject, can I receive mail list messages posted by
others to the list via e-mail rather than logging in on google groups?
I much prefer having messages pushed to me.

If you go to Redirecting to Google Groups, you
should see a button with a head and torso near the upper right. That
button allows you to configure your email settings.

In my oh so humble opinion, a web forum is just about the worst way to
handle technical exchanges like this. My world crumbled when Usenet
newsgroups fell out of favor.


Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

If you go to Redirecting to Google Groups, you
should see a button with a head and torso near the upper right. That
button allows you to configure your email settings.

and you can set it up to act just like an old-fashioned mailing list.

In my oh so humble opinion, a web forum is just about the worst way to

handle technical exchanges like this.

I totally agree -- but google groupls does a pretty good job of being both
a listserve and a web-based forum - so it works pretty well.



On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 1:29 PM, Tim Roberts <> wrote:

My world crumbled when Usenet
newsgroups fell out of favor.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"wxPython-users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
email to
For more options, visit


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