[Phoenix Issue] wx.FlexGridSizer.AddGrowableCol results in C++ assert


Environment: wxPython Phoenix, head of master branch, Windows 7 64-bit, Python 3.4.3.

The error can be reproduced in the GenericDirCtrl demo of the wxPython demo application. The following is a snippet of code from the demo around the source of the error.

sz = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=3, hgap=5, vgap=5)
sz.Add((35, 35))  # some space above
sz.Add((35, 35))
sz.Add((35, 35))
sz.Add(dir1, 0, wx.EXPAND)
sz.Add(dir2, 0, wx.EXPAND)
sz.Add(dir3, 0, wx.EXPAND)
sz.Add((35,35))  # some space below
sz.AddGrowableCol(0)  # <-- error here

The error is :

"!m_cols || idx < (size_t)m_cols" failed at ..\..\src\common\sizer.cpp(1980)
in wxFlexGridSizer::AddGrowableCol(): invalid column index


I’ve done some poking around to try and diagnose the problem. Here are some observation.


In Python, if you specify the named argument, it works. For example:

sz.AddGrowableCol(0, proportion=0)

Although, this does not:

sz.AddGrowableCol(0, 0)


The C++, wxWidgets, version of the demo works as expected.


At the C++ level in wxWidgets, when AddGrowableCol(size_t idx, int proportion) is called, the value of idx equals some super large number (as reported by the C++ debugger), hence the reason the C++ assert fails (perhaps idx is uninitialized?).


If I insert a printf(“idx=%d\n”, idx) to see the value of the idx inside the SIP generated wrapper function meth_wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow() (source file sip\cpp\sip_corewxFlexGridSizer.cpp), sz.AddGrowableCol() in Python works (hence the demo) works. Remove the printf() and it does not.

static PyObject *meth_wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs, PyObject *sipKwds)
    PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;
        size_t idx;
        int proportion = 0;
        wxFlexGridSizer *sipCpp;
        static const char *sipKwdList[] = {
        if (sipParseKwdArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, sipKwds, sipKwdList, NULL, "Bm|i", &sipSelf, sipType_wxFlexGridSizer, &sipCpp, &idx, &proportion))
            **printf("idx=%d\n", idx)**
            if (PyErr_Occurred())
                return 0;
            return Py_None;
    /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */
    sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_FlexGridSizer, sipName_AddGrowableRow, NULL);
    return NULL;


wx.Sizer.InsertStretchSpace() also asserts for the similar reason of the index argument being a large number. Coincidently, it has the same calling signature.

Before I attempt to probe this any further, does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

I’m a little late to the party, but here’s another possible data point for resolving the issue.

I found a similar problem using the example in Listing 9.14 in “wxPython in Action”, but there is a difference
between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Python 3.4 + wxPython_Phoenix, under Windows 7.

I modified the original example (all changed lines annotated on the attached validator2.py file) to use

wx.Validator instead of wx.PyValidator, and to use wx.App instead of wx.PySimpleApp. This removed

two expected warnings. Also, I added lines to print out the Python and Phoenix versions.

Using 32-bit Python, the dialog is displayed correctly, and these lines are written:

3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:43:06) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)]

wxPython/Phoenix version: 3.0.3.dev1830+0b5f910 msw (phoenix)

Using 64-bit Python, the dialog is not displayed, and these lines are printed:

3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:44:40) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)]

wxPython/Phoenix version: 3.0.3.dev1830+0b5f910 msw (phoenix)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “validator2.py”, line 87, in

dlg = MyDialog(data)

File “validator2.py”, line 69, in init


wx._core.wxAssertionError: C++ assertion “!m_cols || idx < (size_t)m_cols” failed at …..\src\common\sizer.cpp(1980) in wxFlexGridSizer::AddGrowableCol(): invalid column index

The last line is similar to that in the original post.

In summary, 32-bit worked, but 64-bit did not. The Phoenix versions were from the last .whl files on the daily build page.

If there are any other things I should try, please let me know.


validator2.py (3 KB)


On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 10:29:17 AM UTC-6, Const wrote:


Environment: wxPython Phoenix, head of master branch, Windows 7 64-bit, Python 3.4.3.

The error can be reproduced in the GenericDirCtrl demo of the wxPython demo application. The following is a snippet of code from the demo around the source of the error.

sz = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=3, hgap=5, vgap=5)
sz.Add((35, 35))  # some space above
sz.Add((35, 35))
sz.Add((35, 35))
sz.Add(dir1, 0, wx.EXPAND)
sz.Add(dir2, 0, wx.EXPAND)
sz.Add(dir3, 0, wx.EXPAND)
sz.Add((35,35))  # some space below
sz.AddGrowableCol(0)  # <-- error here

The error is :

"!m_cols || idx < (size_t)m_cols" failed at ..\..\src\common\sizer.cpp(1980)
in wxFlexGridSizer::AddGrowableCol(): invalid column index


I’ve done some poking around to try and diagnose the problem. Here are some observation.


In Python, if you specify the named argument, it works. For example:

sz.AddGrowableCol(0, proportion=0)

Although, this does not:

sz.AddGrowableCol(0, 0)


The C++, wxWidgets, version of the demo works as expected.


At the C++ level in wxWidgets, when AddGrowableCol(size_t idx, int proportion) is called, the value of idx equals some super large number (as reported by the C++ debugger), hence the reason the C++ assert fails (perhaps idx is uninitialized?).


If I insert a printf(“idx=%d\n”, idx) to see the value of the idx inside the SIP generated wrapper function meth_wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow() (source file sip\cpp\sip_corewxFlexGridSizer.cpp), sz.AddGrowableCol() in Python works (hence the demo) works. Remove the printf() and it does not.

static PyObject *meth_wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs, PyObject *sipKwds)
    PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;
        size_t idx;
        int proportion = 0;
        wxFlexGridSizer *sipCpp;
        static const char *sipKwdList[] = {
        if (sipParseKwdArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, sipKwds, sipKwdList, NULL, "Bm|i", &sipSelf, sipType_wxFlexGridSizer, &sipCpp, &idx, &proportion))
            **printf("idx=%d\n", idx)**
            if (PyErr_Occurred())
                return 0;
            return Py_None;
    /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */
    sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_FlexGridSizer, sipName_AddGrowableRow, NULL);
    return NULL;


wx.Sizer.InsertStretchSpace() also asserts for the similar reason of the index argument being a large number. Coincidently, it has the same calling signature.

Before I attempt to probe this any further, does anyone have any idea what might be going on?