cmp depreciated in Python 3.3
line 1624:
was: c = cmp(leftover << 1, y)
Proposed: c = ((leftover << 1) > y) - ((leftover << 1) < y)
cmp depreciated in Python 3.3
line 1624:
was: c = cmp(leftover << 1, y)
Proposed: c = ((leftover << 1) > y) - ((leftover << 1) < y)
Thanks. cmp deprecated PY33 Noted.
Well, ATM I seems Robin is wrapping up stuff for classic until he gets time to look at the work done on phoenix so far.
I looked at my Py27/33source which hasn’t touched that small change yet.
Note this is probably a bit more related the six related stuff that should be looked over when he gets back to phoenix.
Also pull reqz for all the demo work basically so far on my github fork. GitHub - Metallicow/Phoenix: wxPython's Project Phoenix. A new implementation of wxPython, better, stronger, faster than he was before.
The network graph does a fine job of tracking progress in certain areas.
Anywho, I will leave the smaller/iffy six changes like that up to robin, because there are probably quite a few different ways six stuff could be handled with py2/py3 as I have seen so far.
Also note if you are using the library branch and the demo branch from my github fork I have created a list WIPz.txt of working demos so far, with some tracebacks and fixes needing done yet. Not everything has been hooked in/converted so far…, so until robin gets time again to take a look at the phoenix pull reqz, then it is probably the best you will manage atm with py33. The wxPyDemo does run now on Py3.
Thanks for the Info. Please be patient, as by the time phoenix is official, the WIPz/todo list will enevitably be quite a bit smaller. Feel free to fork and help out with the py3 stuff also if you like.
ATM py27 is still my primary cup of tea, because of building the SourceCoder executable, on the fly in app with phoenix just plain works(still some hiccups with py33).
On Friday, October 18, 2013 11:22:52 AM UTC-5, Keith Smith wrote:
cmp depreciated in Python 3.3