Pb with wx.checklistbox

Hi all,

(sorry for my english : im french)

I have a wx.checklistbox which works well under Windows. But under
Linux, the wx.checklistbox (same code) doesn't work. The error :
"wx.checklistbox doesn't have GetChecked method" (something like that)

Amazing, no ?

Do you have an idea to solve the problem ?

Thx for your help.

I don't see a GetChecked() method for wx.checklistbox. I see a
method called IsChecked(). Can you try that and see if it works on
both platforms? To get all that are checked you'd loop through
the items and test whether it is checked with IsChecked().



On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 AM, Gg4d <ggamer@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

Hi all,

(sorry for my english : im french)

I have a wx.checklistbox which works well under Windows. But under
Linux, the wx.checklistbox (same code) doesn't work. The error :
"wx.checklistbox doesn't have GetChecked method" (something like that)

Amazing, no ?

Do you have an idea to solve the problem ?

Thx for having a look on my problem !

I don't see a GetChecked() method for wx.checklistbox.

Really ? Where do you see that ?

On this page : wxPython API Documentation — wxPython Phoenix 4.2.2 documentation,
i can see "GetChecked" !!!

I had consulted the wxWidgets docs, here:

I thought that usually there aren't additional methods in wxPython
that aren't in wxWidgets, but I guess this is one of those cases.
Why this method is not working on Linux, I don't know. Perhaps
someone else does.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Gg4d <ggamer@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

Thx for having a look on my problem !

I don't see a GetChecked() method for wx.checklistbox.

Really ? Where do you see that ?

Are you using the same version of wxPython on each platform?


On 9/13/09 2:41 AM, Gg4d wrote:

Hi all,

(sorry for my english : im french)

I have a wx.checklistbox which works well under Windows. But under
Linux, the wx.checklistbox (same code) doesn't work. The error :
"wx.checklistbox doesn't have GetChecked method" (something like that)

Amazing, no ?

Do you have an idea to solve the problem ?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman


Are you using the same version of wxPython on each platform?

Well, well... I thought i had the last version... but no.
I didnt know that UBUNTU didnt install last version.

So, I did it myself. And it works.

Sorry for this post.

And thx Robin for your help.