Hey Robin, thanks for applying my previous patches to Phoenix. I hadn’t seen a reply, so I had also logged them as trac issues 15052 and 15053.
Hopefully, this is the last one. This is Trac #15054.
With Python 2.7.3 Windows 32bit and wxPython 2.9-svn:
In the MaskedEditControls demo if you:
Put the selecation caret to the right of “91” in the “A masked ComboBox to validate text from a list of numeric codes:” MaskedComboBox
Press the backspace button
The textbox now contains “”.
Expected Results:
The textbox should contain “9”.
The problem DID NOT reproduce on an Ubuntu VM with wxPython 2.9.
Windows is apparently passing WKX_BACK to _OnChar while the MaskedComboBox OnKeyDownInComboBox is assuming that it should call _OnChar for WKX_BACK.
The patch attached to 15054 at http://trac.wxwidgets.org/attachment/ticket/15054/maskedcombobox_backDoubleErasesWindows.patch appears to solve the problem.
I’m not sure if the windows check is written in the correct way for wxPython, but the fix works for me on Windows.
Thanks again for a wonderful Python UI framework!