Paste using source and destination transparencies

How can I get wx to accomplish this Pil method:

`pil1.paste( pil2, # image to paste into pil1 (pil1 has its
own mask)

        (0, 0),     # U-L offset into pil1

        pil2 )      # use pil2's transparency layer as a mask for



I’ve tried every settings combination for dc.Blit() possible with no

See attached file imagefile_combined_with_masks.png

Sample code, source and resultant images are attached.

Thanks in advance (5.48 KB)

There are likely other ways, but this is the first that popped into my head, and it works:

import wx

app = wx.App(False)

i1 = wx.Bitmap( 'imagefile1.png' )
i2 = wx.Bitmap( 'imagefile2.png' )
i3 = wx.EmptyBitmap(i1.Size.width, i1.Size.height)

dc = wx.MemoryDC(i3)
MASK = (0,0,1) # just an unused color
dc.DrawBitmap(i1, 0, 0, True)
dc.DrawBitmap(i2, 0, 0, True)
del dc

i3.SaveFile('wxcombined.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)


On 6/12/10 7:18 PM, Ray Pasco wrote:

How can I get wx to accomplish this Pil method:

pil1.paste( pil2, # image to paste into pil1 (pil1 has its own mask)
(0, 0), # U-L offset into pil1
pil2 ) # use pil2's transparency layer as a mask for pasting.

I've tried every settings combination for dc.Blit() possible with no
See attached file imagefile_combined_with_masks.png

Sample code, source and resultant images are attached.

Thanks in advance

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

There seems to be a "chicken and egg problem" in trying to define an
unused color:

To pick an unused color the final bitmap must be formed, but this
"unused color" must be defined *before* drawing the final bitmap in
order to define the mask color !

Can the transparency in the original image files be used to form the
final transparency mask and avoid this poultry problem ?


On Jun 14, 10:21 pm, Robin Dunn <> wrote:

On 6/12/10 7:18 PM, Ray Pasco wrote:

> How can I get wx to accomplish this Pil method:

> pil1.paste( pil2, # image to paste into pil1 (pil1 has its own mask)
> (0, 0), # U-L offset into pil1
> pil2 ) # use pil2's transparency layer as a mask for pasting.

> I've tried every settings combination for dc.Blit() possible with no
> success.
> See attached file imagefile_combined_with_masks.png

> Sample code, source and resultant images are attached.

> Thanks in advance

There are likely other ways, but this is the first that popped into my
head, and it works:

import wx

app = wx.App(False)

i1 = wx.Bitmap( 'imagefile1.png' )
i2 = wx.Bitmap( 'imagefile2.png' )
i3 = wx.EmptyBitmap(i1.Size.width, i1.Size.height)

dc = wx.MemoryDC(i3)
MASK = (0,0,1) # just an unused color
dc.DrawBitmap(i1, 0, 0, True)
dc.DrawBitmap(i2, 0, 0, True)
del dc

i3.SaveFile('wxcombined.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

[[ This group prefers bottom-posting. Top Posting and Bottom Posting ]]

There seems to be a "chicken and egg problem" in trying to define an
unused color:

To pick an unused color the final bitmap must be formed, but this
"unused color" must be defined *before* drawing the final bitmap in
order to define the mask color !

You could convert the source bitmaps to wx.Image and use FindFirstUnusedColour or get the colour it is already using to represent the mask with GetMaskRed|Green|Blue.

Can the transparency in the original image files be used to form the
final transparency mask and avoid this poultry problem ?

Yes, something like this would probably work:

* Create a wx.Region for each of the source bitmaps using the bimap's mask, using wx.RegionFromBitmap.

* Add one region to the other with region1.UnionRegion(region2)

* Convert the result to a wx.Bitmap with region1.ConvertToBitmap()

* Create a wx.Mask from that bitmap and assign it to the bitmap that holds the results of the drawing, with SetMask.


On 6/15/10 7:20 AM, WinCrazy wrote:

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman