parentless modal dialog size problem


I am having trouble properly sizing parentless modal dialogs.
The class used can be seen in the attached file generated
with wxGlade.

Despite my setting an initial size, and despite my Python
code seeing that size (via .GetSize()) right before the
ShowModal() call the dialog will eventually be displayed

This is on Debian/wxp4/py3.

  # parent is None
  dlg = cGenericListSelectorDlg(parent, -1, title = caption, msg = msg)
  ... a bunch of setup not size-related ...
  print('before showing dlg', dlg.GetSize(), 'parent:', parent)
  btn_pressed = dlg.ShowModal()
  print('after showing dlg', dlg.GetSize())


  before showing dlg (640, 500) parent: None
  after showing dlg (1374, 772)

The cGenericListSelectorDlg wrapping wxgGenericListSelectorDlg does this:

  from Gnumed.wxGladeWidgets import wxgGenericListSelectorDlg

  class cGenericListSelectorDlg(wxgGenericListSelectorDlg.wxgGenericListSelectorDlg):
    """A dialog holding a list and a few buttons to act on the items."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        msg = kwargs['msg']
        del kwargs['msg']
      except KeyError:
        msg = None

        title = kwargs['title']
        if not title.startswith('GMd: '):
          kwargs['title'] = 'GMd: %s' % title
      except KeyError:
        kwargs['title'] = 'GMd: %s' % self.__class__.__name__

      wxgGenericListSelectorDlg.wxgGenericListSelectorDlg.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

      self.message = msg

      self.left_extra_button = None
      self.middle_extra_button = None
      self.right_extra_button = None

      self.refresh_callback = None # called when new/edit/delete callbacks return True (IOW were not cancelled)
      self.new_callback = None # called when NEW button pressed, no argument passed in
      self.edit_callback = None # called when EDIT button pressed, data of topmost selected item passed in
      self.delete_callback = None # called when DELETE button pressed, data of topmost selected item passed in

      self.can_return_empty = False
      self.ignore_OK_button = False # by default do show/use the OK button

      self.select_callback = None # called when an item is selected, data of topmost selected item passed in
      self._LCTRL_items.select_callback = self._on_list_item_selected_in_listctrl

Does anyone have an idea which direction I should look ?

Karsten (5.58 KB)


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Note that I am not using wx.DIALOG_NO_PARENT because a) it is
advised against in the docs for .Modal() dialogs and b) this
class is used elsewhere in the application where it does have
a parent (the top level window).

I just checked: it actually does not make a difference
whether parent is None or the top level window, the dialog is
maximized despite .GetSize() saying 640/500 right before

One thing that comes to mind is that the other type of dialog
often used in GNUmed contains a grid sizer with editing
widgets and *not* a list inside the main sizer such as the
problematic one. Those grid sizer dialogs don't show the size
problem ...



On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 08:51:00PM +0200, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

I am having trouble properly sizing parentless modal dialogs.
The class used can be seen in the attached file generated
with wxGlade.

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