pane borders wx.aui - setting width?

Hi Robin,
thank you very much for your help!

You are right, PaneBorder(False) actually works ok, I only didn’t realize it before, as the implicit border is only 1px thin; it turned out, that the larger (5px ?) space between the panes is actually a sash.

Hence something along the following lines does the effect, I wanted to achieve:

self._mgr.GetArtProvider().SetMetric(wx.aui.AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE, 0)
self._mgr.GetArtProvider().SetMetric(wx.aui.AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE, 2)

Also many thanks for pointing out these useful settings AUI_DOCKART_ …, I’ll probably make use of more of those…



2008/5/15, Robin Dunn

Hi all,
While trying to tweak the layout of multiple panes in wx.aui.AuiManager() I encountered a certain issue with pane borders. I find the implicit widh probably too much (approx. 5px) and would like to have them thinner. Is there a way, how to do this?

Alternatively, is it possible to hide the pane borders completely (so that the managed panels can have own borders, if necessary)? - PaneBorder(False) doesn’t seem to have any effect, unless I am missing something with its usage; I also couldn’t find any other appropriate setting for this.
Vlastimil Brom wrote:

This is untested, just things gleaned from the code:

It looks like you can turn the border off by calling pane.PaneBorder(False).

You should be able to change the width of the border for all panes with something like this:

     manager.GetArtProvider().SetMetric(wx.aui.AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE, size)

Robin Dunn
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