C M schrieb:
Are you using pyPlot?
Right now I'm trying to identify the best way of doing it. 
Can you just provide an offset to each line to
shift it up by that much?
It's not only the plot, there are annotations etc.
Well, if there are so much "etc" that it really ought to be a fully
separate plot, then maybe make them fully separate plots. There may
be no advantage to overlapping the plotted lines on the y axis; as
long as the x axes are all aligned and y scaling is the same, you
should be able to compare them in terms of size and time of occurrence
of events. I think it might look cleaner, since often that overlap
can obscure the signals, even with color coding.
But if there is not much beyond annotations, and since those
annotations need to be given a position coordinate anyway, can't you
also provide the offset to the annotations (and "etc")? This way
they'd be positioned correctly relative to their line.
matplotlib is to slow for our datasets (and consumes more memory for
caching, zooming, etc)...
I'm a little surprised to hear this (though see below). Matplotlib
was developed for use with eeg data, and I thought your signals was
something like that. You might want to check on their list to make
sure everything is optimized for your data. It may also be that you
can get away with sampling your data to reduce number of points
plotted (I've seen people who want to plot far more points than the
eye/monitor can manage...no reason to do that).
I've recently heard of this plotting library, too, which tries to get
around some of the features which slow down matplotlib:
Though I think you have to use PyQT as your GUI, instead of wxPython
(though I am not sure).
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