OT: What do you use for icons/bitmaps in your apps?

Quoting Thomas Weholt <thomas.weholt@gmail.com>:


I\'m getting really into GUI-development using wxPython, but most of my
apps look like crap due to the ugly icons supplied in wxPython. Sorry
if that offends anyone, but they don\'t look very nice. I\'m looking for
icons for a new, edit, delete, search etc buttons on a toolbar.

Does anybody have any hint on where to find nice looking
icons/bitmaps, with a liberal license?

Hi Thomas,

Nuvola: Icon King – My graphic design blog


Ray Smith

Just found this one, lots of good icons here:


Not for commercial use though…


On 6/19/06, ray@raymondsmith.com ray@raymondsmith.com wrote:

Quoting Thomas Weholt thomas.weholt@gmail.com:


I'm getting really into GUI-development using wxPython, but most of my
apps look like crap due to the ugly icons supplied in wxPython. Sorry
if that offends anyone, but they don't look very nice. I'm looking for

icons for a new, edit, delete, search etc buttons on a toolbar.

Does anybody have any hint on where to find nice looking
icons/bitmaps, with a liberal license?

Hi Thomas,

Nuvola: http://icon-king.com/?p=15


Ray Smith

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Rune Devik