OT - Offline wiki editing

Hello NG,

I'm looking for a way to edit wxpywiki pages offline.
(Then I don't need to create Testpages and I can edit
in ease without being online and switch on the preview button).

Alas I have no experience at all here.

I downloaded already from

Then I was at my end. :wink:

Searching in Google told me, that I have to install
a webserver to access my own files on my harddisk

1) Is there any program only to enable me previewing
in offline mode?

2) Do I have to install the moin package?

3) Is there no way to avoid installing a webserver?

4) What is the "cheapest" way?

Many thanks in advance!

If I know this, I promise to create a wiki page
about itself.
"Offline edting of wiki pages" or so! :slight_smile:


Franz Steinhaeusler

Franz Steinhaeusler:

Hello NG,

I'm looking for a way to edit wxpywiki pages offline.
(Then I don't need to create Testpages and I can edit
in ease without being online and switch on the preview button).

MoinMoin has a standalone version, called the DesktopEdition. Maybe that will help?

See http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/DesktopEdition

Cheers, Frank

Frank Niessink wrote:

Franz Steinhaeusler:

Hello NG,

I'm looking for a way to edit wxpywiki pages offline.
(Then I don't need to create Testpages and I can edit
in ease without being online and switch on the preview button).

MoinMoin has a standalone version, called the DesktopEdition. Maybe that
will help?

See http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/DesktopEdition

Cheers, Frank

Frank, thank you very much for this tip, this looks really intersting.
I will try in the next days, and I hope,
it fullfilles, what it promises! :wink:


Franz Steinhaeusler

Frank Niessink wrote:

Franz Steinhaeusler:

Hello NG,

I'm looking for a way to edit wxpywiki pages offline.
(Then I don't need to create Testpages and I can edit
in ease without being online and switch on the preview button).

MoinMoin has a standalone version, called the DesktopEdition. Maybe that
will help?

See http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/DesktopEdition

Cheers, Frank

Hi Frank,

thank you very much, works perfectly,
exactly what I looked for!


Franz Steinhaeusler