Oh no, another Python 3.11 thread!

Well, this time I got a positive surprise. I have upgrade my Fedora 36 to Fedora 38, and Python was upgraded to Python 3.11, but wxPython 4.2.0 was also correctly installed and is working as expected.
There is a system package python3-wxpython4.
Good news :slight_smile:

But now I was trying in macOS, 10.15.7 (Catalina, Intel i5) which had Python upgraded to 3.11. But, surprise, no wxPython wheel. It tries to build failing first with missing attrdict but then fails with Mapping from collections.

When will we have normal builds for current Python 3.11 (already 3.12 is on testing :wink: )?

Try again. There are builds for 3.12 as well.

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