OGL Shape issue

Hi guys,

I'm working on a research project for a University, we are trying to
use wxPython and OGL for the GUI. The problems come out with the Shape
OGL object. If we use a Shape object wich doesn't have a rectangular
shape all the lines stops at tha bounding box fo the Shape object. You
can see what I mean in the wxPython OGL demo on the shape labeled
DrawnShape, the lines stops at the bounding box and leaves som blank
space around the shape.
Is it possible to stop the lines at the real shape (maybe there is a
flag on the LineShape object which do that ) ? If not, is there the
possibility to modify the standard behaviour ?

Thank you all in advance


EXPO - Hardware solution, Software revolution

Esposti Daniele
Via Aldo Moro, 14/h
20085 - Locate di Triulzi (MI)
Cell +39 347 0748470

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Hi guys,

I'm working on a research project for a University, we are trying to
use wxPython and OGL for the GUI. The problems come out with the Shape
OGL object. If we use a Shape object wich doesn't have a rectangular
shape all the lines stops at tha bounding box fo the Shape object. You
can see what I mean in the wxPython OGL demo on the shape labeled
DrawnShape, the lines stops at the bounding box and leaves som blank
space around the shape.
Is it possible to stop the lines at the real shape (maybe there is a
flag on the LineShape object which do that ) ?

I don't think so, there isn't anything that I remember that differentiates the bounding box from the real edge of the shape, as far as line connection points are concerned anyway. But it's been a long time since I used OGL so there may be something there. Look at the source code to be sure.

If not, is there the
possibility to modify the standard behaviour ?

Read the source (wx/lib/ogl/*.py) There may be a way you can add what you need in derived classes.


On 5/21/10 2:46 AM, Daniele Esposti wrote:

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

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