2009/12/3 Mears:
Accidentally fired off an email to Andrea without copying the group...
Anyways, with a newer version of wx.lib.agw.aui the problems I
previously described haven't shown up, so they may have been fixed.
However, playing around with the wxPython demo, I did notice some
other issues:
1. Under Linux, if a notebook tab is dragged to a dockable position
brining up the transparent hint, further dragging of the tab will
"erase" the blue transparent background. This doesn't happen under
My ability to test under GTK has been greatly diminished: I can't do
it at work anymore (thanks to the inventor of Administrator
privileges) and I won't do it at home. So any help in finding out what
is going on on GTK is more than welcome.
In the interim, is there a way to disable the behavior that
displays the tab being dragged, so that it looks like docking under
Yes, remove the AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB style from the AuiNotebook style.
2. If tabs are allowed to be floated and a transparency value has
been set for floating panes, the transparency isn't honored by tabs
that have been floated.
Does it happen on all platforms? Do you mean "the transparency isn't
honored by the floating panes created by floating tabs"?
If this is the case, the Transparent() method for panes is your
friend, although it doesn't look that easy to use for floating tabs.
Or do you mean the transparency associated with the
As for the other message, I will be releasing a new version of AGW
with much improvements either tomorrow or (most likely) at the
beginning of next week. Specifically for AUI, there has been a great
improvement in the rendering engine so now it should be considerably
faster in rendering and re-layouting.
Other than that, if you wish to have exactly the same docking style as
wx.aui, I can easily add another style to AuiManager (something like
AUI_MGR_NO_DOCKING_GUIDES) with which no docking guides (HUD guides)
are shown. At any rate, the available docking position in
wx.lib.agw.aui are exactly the same as wx.aui, the only difference
being the docking guides being shown in wx.lib.agw.aui (which, by the
way, allow a much better positioning and finer control on docking than
the standard wx.aui blue hints).
"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."