when deleting tabs in NotebookCtrl from
Ah, the neverending NotebookCtrl
Onwindow selecting page 41
Onwindow selecting page 27
Uhm, do you have 41 tabs in your Notebook??? If this is the case, you should probably consider a re-design...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Q:\nlpMain.py", line 3547, in OnWindow
File "Q:\NotebookCtrl.py", line 4207, in SetSelection
File "Q:\NotebookCtrl.py", line 1236, in SetSelection
File "Q:\NotebookCtrl.py", line 1278, in EnsureVisible
firstrect = self._initrect[spinval]
IndexError: list index out of range
Have you used the demo that comes with NotebookCtrl? If not, you know we need a sample that reproduces the problem .
Andrea Gavana (gavana@kpo.kz)
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