Hello NG,
I have received an email regarding NotebookCtrl and I would like to
kindly ask to someone of you that is using Linux/Unix just to test the demo
that comes with NotebookCtrl and report if it works as it should or not.
The problem is that on Mac it does not work (the tabs are not shown at
all), and I don't know how it works on other platforms then mine (Windows
XP/2000). Is there any kind soul that can report NotebookCtrl behavior on
other platforms (Unix/Linux etc..)?
Thank you a lot.
Andrea Gavana
Reservoir Engineer
MOGI ? Reservoir Characterization and Modeling Dept.
ENI S.p.A. ? Exploration & Production Division
Via Emilia, 1 ? 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) ? Italy
Phone: +39 02 520 62972
Fax: +39 02 520 61824
E-mail: andrea.gavana@agip.it
Restyled Internet Site: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/infinity77/
Eni S.p.A.
Sede legale in Roma,
Piazzale Enrico Mattei 1, 00144 Roma
Tel. centralino: +39 06598.21
Capitale sociale 4.002.934.326 i.v.
Registro Imprese di Roma,
Codice Fiscale 00484960588
Part. IVA 00905811006
R.E.A. Roma n. 756453