I just downloaded wxPython yesterday, and from what little I’ve seen so
far I’m quite pleased. However, I need help. I’m an
EE with little programming experience (I just started learning Python a
few months ago), and I’ve never done a GUI before. I’m working on
a simple monoalphabetic substitution decryption program that accepts a
ciphertext input from a user, and spits out the decrypted plaintext. I
want to add a GUI- a simple one- but having never done one before, I’m
having issues. All I want is a GUI that has a user input block on
the left, a ‘decrypt’ button that runs my program, and displays the
output in a block on the right. Any suggestions where to start?
Thanks so much. Have a good one,
There are many routes to gaining programming and GUI development experience. For the most effective use of your time I recommend purchasing Robin Dunn's (wxPython's creator) book "wxPython in Action." It will lead you step by step to the point where creating the interface you need will be possible.
Another option for now is to have the user enter the text into Notepad, save the file, pass the name of the file as a command line argument to the Python program, and then write the results to a text file. This is very simple to do in plain Python.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Ryan <dvryan@gmail.com>
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:29 pm
Subject: [wxPython-users] New to wxPython
I just downloaded wxPython yesterday, and from what little I've
seen so far
I'm quite pleased. However, I need help. I'm an EE with little
programming experience (I just started learning Python a few months
ago),and I've never done a GUI before. I'm working on a simple
monoalphabeticsubstitution decryption program that accepts a
ciphertext input from a user,
and spits out the decrypted plaintext. I want to add a GUI- a
simple one-
but having never done one before, I'm having issues. All I want is
that has a user input block on the left, a 'decrypt' button that
runs my
program, and displays the output in a block on the right. Any
suggestionswhere to start?
Thanks so much. Have a good one,
Antonio, Ira, Charles,
Thank you so much for your help and recommendations- with your information, I should be able to knock this GUI out.
Thanks again,
On 4/15/06, irakaplan@optonline.net <irakaplan@optonline.net > wrote:
are many routes to gaining programming and GUI development
experience. For the most effective use of your time I
recommend purchasing Robin Dunn’s (wxPython’s creator) book “wxPython
in Action.” It will lead you step by step to the point where
creating the interface you need will be possible.
Another option
for now is to have the user enter the text into Notepad, save the file,
pass the name of the file as a command line argument to the Python
program, and then write the results to a text file. This is
very simple to do in plain Python.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Ryan dvryan@gmail.com
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:29 pm
Subject: [wxPython-users] New to wxPython
I just downloaded wxPython yesterday, and from what little I’ve
seen so far
I’m quite pleased. However, I need help. I’m an EE with little
programming experience (I just started learning Python a few months
ago),and I’ve never done a GUI before. I’m working on a simple
monoalphabeticsubstitution decryption program that accepts a
ciphertext input from a user,
and spits out the decrypted plaintext. I want to add a GUI- a
simple one-
but having never done one before, I’m having issues. All I want is
that has a user input block on the left, a ‘decrypt’ button that
runs my
program, and displays the output in a block on the right. Any
suggestionswhere to start?
Thanks so much. Have a good one,
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Daniel Ryan
(410) 271-9673 (cell)
Daniel Ryan wrote:
.... I'm working on a simple monoalphabetic substitution decryption program that accepts a ciphertext input from a user, and spits out the decrypted plaintext. I want to add a GUI- a simple one- but having never done one before, I'm having issues. All I want is a GUI that has a user input block on the left, a 'decrypt' button that runs my program, and displays the output in a block on the right. Any suggestions where to start?
For an app this simple, a good option is PythonCard:
... which is *very* easy to use, and is itself written in wxPython.
Have fun!
- Steve