I need a form of styled text control that allows basic WYSIWYG features:
- font size setting
- bold, italics, underlined
- centered, right- and left margin adjusting
GetValue() retrieves the plain ASCII text without formatting info
GetRichTextValue() retrieves the formatted text in HTML (or RTF) format or
some other suitable standard format
SetRichTextValue() would allow to set the formatted text in HTML (or RTF)
format or some other suitable standard format
SetMacros[list of strings] passes a list of strings to that widget - whenever
a "macro" string is typed in (space, return) a EVT_MACRO_EXPANSION is
triggered passing insertion point (=beginning of the macro) and macro string
as parameters
I know this is little money for such widget - but maybe others feel inclined
to join the party and increase the bounty? I feel this is a universally
desired feature and much of the needed work is probably already done with the
styled text control
PS: I can't manage to log into the Wiki again to edit the bounty page!
I need a form of styled text control that allows basic WYSIWYG features:
- font size setting
- bold, italics, underlined
- centered, right- and left margin adjusting
Did you try the editor of wxMozilla?
I think it comes pretty near the goal of an rich edit widget.
We've already done a significant portion of the work needed for Transana, if
you want to go with RTF text instead of HTML. Transana's editor handles all
of the font formatting, though none of the paragraph formatting. We've got
a functioning parser that can handle import and export of a reasonable
(though basic) portion of the RTF specification. It works on Windows and
Mac OS-X (haven't tried it on Linux.) We even wrote our own Font Formatting
Dialog, as the one provided on OS-X really sucked.
It's based on wxSTC, so inherits some limitations. First, there is an upper
limit to the number of simultaneous styles it can handle. (I think 256, but
I'll have to check at the office.) Second, your line spacing for the entire
document is what is appropriate for our largest font.
So if someone wants to take what we've done and turn it into a free-standing
wx control, I'd be happy to help them get started. I've wanted to do it
myself, but am too swamped to be able to get to it in the next year.
David Woods
Wisconsin Center for Education Research
University of Wisconsin, Madison http://www.transana.org
-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Heuer [mailto:heuer@semagia.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:23 AM
To: Horst Herb
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] new $250 bounty: rich text widget
Hi Horst,
> I need a form of styled text control that allows basic WYSIWYG features:
> - font size setting
> - bold, italics, underlined
> - centered, right- and left margin adjusting
Did you try the editor of wxMozilla?
I think it comes pretty near the goal of an rich edit widget.
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I need a form of styled text control that allows basic WYSIWYG features:
- font size setting
- bold, italics, underlined
- centered, right- and left margin adjusting
You might want to also post this one on the wxWidgets bouties page, as this is something that C++ folks have asked for as well, and there is some desire to get it into the core library. A C++ implementation will be able to be wrapped for Python fairly easily, but will have some additional advantages in that probably more folks will take care of maintaining it, and will be faster for time consuming operations like calculating the layout.
I seem to be too stupid to log into the Wikis for editing. *Where* can I log
in? The Login/preferences link allows me to enter some user details, but
there is no "login" facility that I can see
I seem to be too stupid to log into the Wikis for editing. *Where* can I log in? The Login/preferences link allows me to enter some user details, but there is no "login" facility that I can see
I think that on this wiki once you've entered a user name then you are logged in. Then go back to http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/wiki.pl?WxWidgets_Bounties and look at the bottom of the page, there should be a link that lets you edit the page. The user name you choose should be a valid WikiName, for example "HorstHerb".
The wxPython wiki is similar, but just a tad more secure. Plus it remembers your email so it can mail you a login link if you forget how to do it.
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 20:45, Robin Dunn wrote:
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!