Hello Gregory & NG,
The first problem is that FoldPanelBars, it seems, are meant to be created with a fixed size, or to resize
themselves according to the containing frame, rather than resizing themselves to fit the contents. Whenever I create
a bar, I have to Fit() all of its subpanels, and then find the size of the whole thing, so that its only big
enough to contain its subpanels. That doesnt seem to be available as a built-in function, maybe I missed
it. Thats not really a problem; the bigger issue is that when you collapse panels in a nested FoldPanelBar,
the FPB itself needs to get smaller so that the panel of the containing FPB can get smaller; otherwise,
youre not saving space by collapsing inner panels. Likewise the containing FPB needs to get smaller
so that panels below it can move up (and all get bigger when things are expanded).
I imagine theres a way to this using all the internal sizing events in the FPB, but I would appreciate some pointers.
I am having some troubles in correctly understanding your problem here… it may be my limited knowledge of english, but if you could provide a snippet of code that reproduce the problem it would help me (and others) really a lot. BTW, I don’t remember I had to calculate any size when using FPB, for the bar or for the contained panes… but surely I didn’t understand what you meant here.
I have never tried nested FPBs, but I don’t see why they shouldn’t work. Can you please post some code that shows the problem?
Thank you.
Andrea Gavana
Reservoir Engineer
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