Need a Refresh/Update alternative for GTK to force repaint of window

Right now I have this:

def OnKeyDown(self, event):
     ret = os.system('...')

Now in the above, on Windows It says 'Loading' and
than the app I exec via system() comes up and takes
over the screen. As it should. On Linux I do not see
'Loading' until after the app is done executing. What
can I do to get the same behavior I get on Windows? I
am using wxPython


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Sáb, 2005-07-02 às 06:50 -0700, aa bb escreveu:

Right now I have this:

def OnKeyDown(self, event):
     ret = os.system('...')

Now in the above, on Windows It says 'Loading' and
than the app I exec via system() comes up and takes
over the screen. As it should. On Linux I do not see
'Loading' until after the app is done executing. What
can I do to get the same behavior I get on Windows? I
am using wxPython

Try a wx.Yield() or a wx.SafeYield() instead of Refresh/Update.


Thank you. That worked.

--- Ricardo Pedroso <>


Sáb, 2005-07-02 às 06:50 -0700, aa bb escreveu:
> Right now I have this:
> def OnKeyDown(self, event):
> self.status.SetLabel('Loading...')
> self.Refresh(1)
> self.Update()
> ret = os.system('...')
> Now in the above, on Windows It says 'Loading' and
> than the app I exec via system() comes up and
> over the screen. As it should. On Linux I do not
> 'Loading' until after the app is done executing.
> can I do to get the same behavior I get on
Windows? I
> am using wxPython

Try a wx.Yield() or a wx.SafeYield() instead of



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