The call is sensitive to spacing - even a single extra space will ruin things. I learned that the hard way when creating the equivalent open file call in Dabo. You might want to take a look at Dabo, as it wraps wxPython and simplifies a lot of the unpleasant code that you have to create in raw wxPython. In Dabo, your call would look like:
f = dabo.ui.getFile("png", "bmp", "jpg", "pcx", "tif")
You just pass as many extensions as you like, and the appropriate dialog will be created. If the user selects a file, it is returned; if they cancel, None is returned. You don't have to worry about creating the dialog, reading its return value, destroying it when it's done.
Ed Leafe
On Apr 15, 2005, at 9:52 PM, Ray Pasco wrote:
I can't seem to get multiple file types to work in wx.FileDialog (XP,
Numerous examples indicate this should work. Only file types of the first kind in the list
appear in the dialog. Has anyone seen this problem ?