multiple document interfaces

how to have a wx.frame inside another wx.frame or wx.mdiparent frame.
I am using Gnu/Linux debian sid. and looking for a gui similar to

If no such control is available how can I make a customcontrol to meet

how to have a wx.frame inside another wx.frame or wx.mdiparent frame.
I am using Gnu/Linux debian sid. and looking for a gui similar to

If no such control is available how can I make a customcontrol to meet

Looks like Aui is just the job for you - take a look at the demo in "wxPython Docs & Demos" under Aui.



From: "Rashad" <>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 10:41 AM
To: "wxPython-users" <>
Subject: [wxPython-users] multiple document interfaces

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Definitely check out AUI, although I recommend the agw.AUI over the
other version because it's pure python, has had much more bug fixes
and it's just plain cool.


On Jun 11, 6:23 am, <> wrote:

From: "Rashad" <>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 10:41 AM
To: "wxPython-users" <>
Subject: [wxPython-users] multiple document interfaces

> how to have a wx.frame inside another wx.frame or wx.mdiparent frame.
> I am using Gnu/Linux debian sid. and looking for a gui similar to
> this.

> If no such control is available how can I make a customcontrol to meet
> needs

Looks like Aui is just the job for you - take a look at the demo in
"wxPython Docs & Demos" under Aui.


Mike Driscoll
