Multiple axis and logarithmic scaling on wx.lib.plot

Heya all,

I’ve been using the wxpython lib for a while, one thing i can figure out is getting the PlotCanvas to draw multiple axes

plot.PlotGraphics does not accept multiple array(dictionaries)


class MakePanel2(wx.Panel):

def __init__(self, Parent, *args, **kwargs):

    wx.Panel.__init__(self, Parent, *args, **kwargs)

    self.graph = plot.PlotCanvas(self)


def draw():

    line_stoch = plot.PolyLine(ipx_log, colour='green', width=3, style=wx.SOLID, legend="Lambda")

    n= plot.PlotGraphics([line_stoch])


any tips?

If i can get multiple labels for the axis’s, along with multiple axis’s thatd be pretty awesome!

logarithmic would be great too, but i figure i can just scale the numbers before sending them to the graph

