multi size icons for wx apps

Dev, I think it is often hard to tell whether you are seeing the 16x16 image or just a scaled down 32x32 image. Of course, if it is completely impossible to tell, then it doesn’t matter. But I can see a certain distortion in my 16x16 image that is due to it being a scaled 32x32 image, and I feel I don’t want to settle for that unless I really have to.

I think at this point it boils down to:

  • wxPython 2.8.x.x
  • img2py
  • Appropriately sized icons

…pick any two. Which is too bad, but there it is. If someone has a counterexample, I’d love to hear about it.



On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Dev Player wrote:

Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul 4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

wx.version() ‘ (msw-unicode)’

MS-Windows XP SP3, Pent4

Alt-tab i think shows 32x32 icons on my screen, but I’m using an old 22’ CRT 1600x1200. But my 16x16 icons do exist in my Quicklaunch bar and my start bar has both sizes.

The webpage cannot be found

This link worked

Thanks Malcolm