multi pointer slider

Hi Krish,
The current slider is having only one pointer(perhaps I am using wrong
terminology, but I don't know what to call the thing which is moved by
mouse to change the value of the slider :frowning: ). I want more than one
pointer on the slider bar, so that I can set value of many variables
using a single slider.
It may be like below:

           ^ ^ ^
           ^ ^ ^
0 100 200 250

I don't to have a different slider widget for each variable, because I
don't have enough space for all of them.
I am planning to simulate it using canvas and some mouse events, but I
haven't started yet.
Someone can have better idea.

Make Your Own Way
  Monu Agrawal


-----Original Message-----
From: Kartic Krish []
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] multi pointer slider

I sent this reply to your previous posting.


Could you a bit more specific with your request? If you have a widget
design, you can send that over as well.

From your description, I don't see how a wx.Slider control will not

fit your purposes. If you have the wxPython demo installed, look for
slider under "Core Windows/Controls".


On 9/8/05, Monu Agrawal <> wrote:

Hi, I am new to wxpython(used to with tkinter). I moved here because,


want to have a slider with more than one pointers simultaneously, so

that I

can specify value of different parameters of an entity using single


Can anyone help me to find it out or to make it.

Thanks in advance.

Monu Agrawal

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Monu Agrawal wrote:

It may be like below:

           ^ ^ ^
           ^ ^ ^
0 100 200 250

I don't to have a different slider widget for each variable, because I
don't have enough space for all of them.
I am planning to simulate it using canvas and some mouse events, but I
haven't started yet.
Someone can have better idea.

I think you've got the right idea, but there really isn't;t such a thing as a Canvas. You'll want to use a wxWindow, and draw to it with a wx.DC, implementing the various events you'll need.

Have fun, you'll learn a lot, and it could be a pretty cool widget.

The real trick would be to make it look native on various platforms. That may well be impossible, I don't know that wx does (or could) expose the individual pieces that make up a slider.



I want more than one
pointer on the slider bar, so that I can set value of many variables
using a single slider.

Hmm that sounds like a real good idea, but there are still some

Do you really need to represent different variables? Or do you wanna
have only a list of values?
In the first case - what should happen, if two pointers show the same
value? How to get the underlying pointer? Or if you have three or more
pointers - how to find out where is the hidden pointer?
In the latter case you could add a number to the pointer showing how
many pointers are on this value.

If you don't mind in getting a native look, it's really easy to build
such a widget... (if you've answered the above questions :slight_smile: )

cu boesi

PS: please share your code with us...


Am 08.09.2005 16:20:17 schrieb Monu Agrawal:
Ein Wunder muss heute schon ganz schoen #1671 : icq-intern
wundervoll sein um ein Wunder zu sein, #73628288 : icq-extern
sonst wuerde man sich ja gar nicht mehr wundern boesi111 : aim
                 .-==Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch==-. i171 : reallife