Robin I don't know if this is a realistic request, but if it is possible to start keeping a very detailed changelog that would cover wxWidgets and wxPython changes that would probably simplify code upgrades for users trying to locate the parts of their programs that need attention with each release. I found the transition between each release of 2.3.x particularly painful, but even 2.4.x had some gotchas.
I am tempted to say that you just list every single cvs checkin comment somewhere, at least if there is any chance that it would impact user source, including event logic that might need a workaround. As I look at the PythonCard code, I see all sorts of comments and workarounds for each release of wxPython and in general I found out that I needed a workaround the hard way, there was nothing in the release notes that indicated I might have a problem as I upgraded to the newest wxPython release.
The changelog doesn't need to have an explanation of every change, but every change needs to be listed as they are made otherwise the change will fall through the cracks and probably cause someone a headache later. This should probably be tied to your own to do list. If the changelog was kept in the wiki, maybe other people could help annotate as well on particularly important changes, providing links to relevant wx-dev, wx-user, etc. discussion threads, SF bug reports, etc.
I think the commits commments could be extracted from the cvs server....
On Fri, 2 Apr 2004 13:14:41 -0800, Kevin Altis <> wrote:
Robin I don't know if this is a realistic request, but if it is possible to start keeping a very detailed changelog that would cover wxWidgets and wxPython changes that would probably simplify code upgrades for users trying to locate the parts of their programs that need attention with each release. I found the transition between each release of 2.3.x particularly painful, but even 2.4.x had some gotchas.
I am tempted to say that you just list every single cvs checkin comment somewhere, at least if there is any chance that it would impact user source, including event logic that might need a workaround. As I look at the PythonCard code, I see all sorts of comments and workarounds for each release of wxPython and in general I found out that I needed a workaround the hard way, there was nothing in the release notes that indicated I might have a problem as I upgraded to the newest wxPython release.
The changelog doesn't need to have an explanation of every change, but every change needs to be listed as they are made otherwise the change will fall through the cracks and probably cause someone a headache later. This should probably be tied to your own to do list. If the changelog was kept in the wiki, maybe other people could help annotate as well on particularly important changes, providing links to relevant wx-dev, wx-user, etc. discussion threads, SF bug reports, etc.
Peter Damoc
Hacker Wannabe