I have a sizer which will have elements (images) dynamically removed
and added. I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this. Previously
I had a fixed set of bitmaps, so I just created them and then spaced
them using wx.StaticBox/wx.StaticBoxSizer and adding them to teh sizer
then forgetting about it.
For example, adding an image entailed creating a wx.StaticBitmap and
accompanying label; creating a wx.StaticBox and wx.StaticBoxSizer;
adding the bitmaps and some spacers to the box sizer; and then adding
the box sizer itself to the panel's global sizer.
This works fine, until I decide I need to remove a bitmap cleanly. If
I Detach the box sizer that contains all the other elements, should
that work? Do I need to call Destroy at that point?