Andrea Gavana wrote:
Hi Steven
When compiling wxPython applications using py2exe (or GUI2Exe, which
is more or less the same), you don't need to add "wx" and "wx.lib" as
Includes, as py2exe will find them for you. Maybe you followed the
tutorial on how to compile the wxPython demo on the GUI2Exe page, but
that is a bit different from standard wxPython apps. They usually
don't need the access the source code of the Python files as the
wxPython demo does.
ah right. I can't remember exactly *why* I added them in, I think I was following some tutorial somewhere. The strange this is, in my Python modules excludes, I manually entered in a good 30 or so modules I didn't need (and DLLs), which helped reduce my filesize considerably, but they're not showing up in GUI2EXE's save file, just the same ones that are shown in py2app. However, when loading the program the correct values are shown.
'py2exe' : {
'ascii': 0,
'bitmap_resources': ,
'bundle_files': 3,
'compressed': 0,
'custom_boot_script': '',
'data_files': ,
'dist_dir': r'dist',
'dist_dir_choice': 0,
'dll_excludes': ['libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll', 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll', 'tcl84.dll',
'excludes': ['Tkconstants', 'Tkinter', 'tcl', '_gtkagg', '_tkagg', 'pywin.debugger',
'pywin.dialogs', 'bsddb',
'curses', 'email'],
'icon_resources': ,
'ignores': ,
'includes': ,
'manifest_file': 0,
'multipleexe': [('windows', 'E:\\Downloads\\whyteboard-0.36.4\\',
'Whyteboard', '0.36.4',
'Steven Sproat', 'Steven Sproat',
'optimize': 0,
'other_resources': ,
'packages': ,
'skip_archive': 0,
'xref': 0,
'zipfile': r'None',
'zipfile_choice': 0,
By the way Andrea, thanks very much for this amazing program, it is very easy to use, looks great and performs awesomely!