MessageDialogs on linux

    Just a quick question, i created some dialogs using wxMessageDialog and it seems that no matter what i specify as the buttons there always appears a help button. Any ideas how to get rid of it. I implement the dialogs this way:

theBox = wxMessageDialog(self, msgText, title, wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION | wxCENTRE | wxSTAY_ON_TOP)

as you can see i only want an ok button but for some reason that help button shows up also. Thanks

Christopher Regan
Factory Applications Programmer
(845) 902-1313

"Move like a jellyfish. Rhythm is nothing. You go with the flow. You don't stop." ~ Jack Johnson

I have e.g.:

    def NotImplementedDialog(self, event):
        dialog = wxMessageDialog(self, "Funkcionalnost nije
implementirana", "Nije implementirano",
                                 wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)

and it works as expected.

wxPythonGTK-py2.2- on Mandrake 8.2

··· wrote:

    Just a quick question, i created some dialogs using wxMessageDialog
    and it seems that no matter what i specify as the buttons there always
    appears a help button. Any ideas how to get rid of it. I implement the
    dialogs this way:

theBox = wxMessageDialog(self, msgText, title, wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION |

as you can see i only want an ok button but for some reason that help
button shows up also. Thanks


wxSTAY_ON_TOP probably has the same value as wxHELP. Since it's a modal dialog you shouldn't need wxSTAY_ON_TOP anyway.

··· wrote:

Hello Just a quick question, i created some dialogs using
wxMessageDialog and it seems that no matter what i specify as the
buttons there always appears a help button. Any ideas how to get rid
of it. I implement the dialogs this way:

theBox = wxMessageDialog(self, msgText, title, wxOK |

as you can see i only want an ok button but for some reason that help
button shows up also. Thanks

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!