MathBench released !

Announcing the recent release of MathBench:

Though MathBench is basically "yet another wxPython based IDE", I've
developped it because I wanted to test some ideas about what a minimal
Python shell/editor should look like.

The uses cases I had in mind was then to provided a friendly editor for
scientist that want to try small algorithms or quickly visualise their
data by plotting a few graphs (all of this using Python libraries of

The resulting software offers all the powerfull (yet pretty "classical")
editing features you get with PyCrust for instance (it is by the way
heavily based on it) while offering an easy and quick access to any

MathBench is also customisable/extensible thanks to a plugin system
based on Yapsy [](

Comments and contributions are, of course, much welcome, should it be of
any interest to anybody :)


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