I am currently unsubscribed from this list, so if you decide answer on this letter, please write to my private email (bashu@yandex.ru).
I have create masked text control, see the code:
Then I enter some data into it, for example '4.00'. I got it by GetValue method and store somewhere. After this I trying set this data (4.0) back by SetValue method of masked control and I got this:
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/masked/textctrl.py", line 200, in SetValue
value, replace_to = self._Paste(value, raise_on_invalid=True, just_return_value=True)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/masked/maskededit.py", line 5686, in _Paste
valid_paste, replacement_text, replace_to = self._validatePaste(paste_text, sel_start, sel_to, raise_on_invalid)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/masked/maskededit.py", line 5565, in _validatePaste
raise ValueError('"%s" cannot be inserted into the control "%s"' % (paste_text, self.name))
ValueError: "0004.0" cannot be inserted into the control "maskedTextCtrl"
I dont know how to solve this. Please give me some advice. Any help is apreciable.
Thanks and sorry for my english.
just a quick question here:
Isn't it time to think about a central repository for modules, libs,
and extensions?
Though Perl is shunned by most Python users, I have always liked CPAN
as a dedicated place to search for and submit useful addons ...
I like the wiki, but I quite often find useful stuff that is not
listed in the wiki (http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPythonPit_20Libs).
Looking forward for your ideas,
On 2/9/06, the_shelter <pdftex@the-shelter.de> wrote:
just a quick question here:
Isn't it time to think about a central repository for modules, libs,
and extensions?
Though Perl is shunned by most Python users, I have always liked CPAN
as a dedicated place to search for and submit useful addons ...
I like the wiki, but I quite often find useful stuff that is not
listed in the wiki (http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPythonPit_20Libs).
Looking forward for your ideas,
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you could begin adding your discoveries to the wiki wxPythonPit_20Libs.
Maybe with that, other people are inspired to
add their useful stuff also.
(I personally don't like the wiki not so much;
the editing is long winded and the appearance is
also not my taste).
Escpeciall the wxPythonPit Apps Page looks ugly.
(not to blame anyone of course).
So the wxPythonPit_20Libs and the wxPythonPit Apps could be
enhanced and better strucured (divide in categories,
creating a table, ...).
For me applies:
I have some kind of "scratchpad" file,
where I log important and interesting stuff
about pyhton and wxPython unordered.
but with a good find functionality
(regular expressions) sometimes, I find
relativly quick the needed information)
This I also do for samples, interesting apps, ...
On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 12:58:28 +0100, the_shelter <pdftex@the-shelter.de> wrote:
just a quick question here:
Isn't it time to think about a central repository for modules, libs,
and extensions?
Though Perl is shunned by most Python users, I have always liked CPAN
as a dedicated place to search for and submit useful addons ...
I like the wiki, but I quite often find useful stuff that is not
listed in the wiki (http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPythonPit_20Libs).
Looking forward for your ideas,
I am currently unsubscribed from this list, so if you decide answer on this letter, please write to my private email (bashu@yandex.ru).
I have create masked text control, see the code:
Then I enter some data into it, for example '4.00'. I got it by GetValue method and store somewhere. After this I trying set this data (4.0) back by SetValue method of masked control and I got this:
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/masked/textctrl.py", line 200, in SetValue
value, replace_to = self._Paste(value, raise_on_invalid=True, just_return_value=True)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/masked/maskededit.py", line 5686, in _Paste
valid_paste, replacement_text, replace_to = self._validatePaste(paste_text, sel_start, sel_to, raise_on_invalid)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/masked/maskededit.py", line 5565, in _validatePaste
raise ValueError('"%s" cannot be inserted into the control "%s"' % (paste_text, self.name))
ValueError: "0004.0" cannot be inserted into the control "maskedTextCtrl"
Your value is not matching the definition of your mask="#{3}.#{2}" = 3.1 but your value is 4.0!
For numeric values you might be better of using masked.NumCtrl - check the wxPython demo under More Windows/Controls it also shows you have to set the control pro grammatically.
See you
I dont know how to solve this. Please give me some advice. Any help is apreciable.
Thanks and sorry for my english.
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just a quick question here:
Isn't it time to think about a central repository for modules, libs,
and extensions?
Though Perl is shunned by most Python users, I have always liked CPAN
as a dedicated place to search for and submit useful addons ...
I like the wiki, but I quite often find useful stuff that is not
listed in the wiki (http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPythonPit_20Libs).
Looking forward for your ideas,
I think that page would be more useful if people finding things would just add a small reference to that page on the wiki. I don't think having some other repository will solve the problem of not finding things, that is why I just recently added some XML stuff to that page, also I am not involved in the dev of those libs/modules.
See you
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wxPython modules can use screenshots for quick impressions. But
probably this will stay a dream ....
On 2/9/06, Werner F. Bruhin <werner.bruhin@free.fr> wrote:
the_shelter wrote:
>just a quick question here:
>Isn't it time to think about a central repository for modules, libs,
>and extensions?
>Though Perl is shunned by most Python users, I have always liked CPAN
>as a dedicated place to search for and submit useful addons ...
>I like the wiki, but I quite often find useful stuff that is not
>listed in the wiki (http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPythonPit_20Libs).
>Looking forward for your ideas,
I think that page would be more useful if people finding things would
just add a small reference to that page on the wiki. I don't think
having some other repository will solve the problem of not finding
things, that is why I just recently added some XML stuff to that page,
also I am not involved in the dev of those libs/modules.
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For additional commands, e-mail: wxPython-users-help@lists.wxwidgets.org
Your value is not matching the definition of your mask="#{3}.#{2}" = 3.1 but your value is 4.0!
For numeric values you might be better of using masked.NumCtrl - check the wxPython demo under More Windows/Controls it also shows you have to set the control pro grammatically.
Oops I miss this widgets when look at wxPython demo. NumCtrl is exactly what I need!
Thank a lot!