Manually setting wxAddCheckTool state possible?

Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, I searched documentation and google in vain for considerable time.

I am using a wxAddCheckTool toggle icon on my toolbar. I would like to update its toggled state from another part of the code. Is there any way to manually change its toggled state? For example:

self.toggle = self.toolbar.AddCheckTool(self.ID_TOGGLE, icons.getTaggedBitmap())
self.frame.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.on_toolbar_toggle, self.toggle)

How can I manually change the self.toggle object to update its state? The only promising-looking method was SetToggle, but this appears to change the ability to toggle it, not its actual state.

Is it just impossible? :confused: I would accept workarounds such as manually firing events where such a state is mutable, if necessary.

