Making a spinctrl in a menu?

FT wrote:

    I am learning how to make my first spin control and wondering how I can
do it inside a menu item?

    I am trying to go to a settings menu with several items and when
choosing that item in the menu to have a spin ctrl displayed with the min
and max values of that item selection inside of it.
This is simply not an appropriate thing to do in a menu. Menus are for commands, and simple true/false selections. Anything more complicated than that needs to be done in a dialog.


Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Ok, awesome, that makes total sense now...

But is a dictionary like a typical variable? A reference to something
and not a "container" that holds the "something?"

I read somewher that a variable was just a post-it note stuck to "str" or "int"
or "bool" or "float" or whatever....

So if I said name = "Steve"
and then said name = "Tim"
That the value Steve didn't get replaced, but in essence was abandoned
in replace of the much cooler "Tim"?

So populating a dictionairy then rewriting is wasteful of resources, or atleat
not properly managing a finite resource such as processor time, memory
etc... I'm sure the impact of creating a dictionary on a system is marginal
but if values / keys... keys / values, or just values are getting replaced, then
why populate them at all (this is rhetorical mostly....)




----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Roberts" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, 21 July, 2008 16:45
Subject: Re: Re: [wxpython-users] Making a spinctrl in a menu?

FT wrote:

    I am learning how to make my first spin control and wondering how I can
do it inside a menu item?

    I am trying to go to a settings menu with several items and when
choosing that item in the menu to have a spin ctrl displayed with the min
and max values of that item selection inside of it.

This is simply not an appropriate thing to do in a menu. Menus are for commands, and simple true/false selections. Anything more complicated than that needs to be done in a dialog.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

wxpython-users mailing list

Eep! I'm sorry, replied to the wrong e-mail somehow...


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Freedenburg" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, 21 July, 2008 17:41
Subject: Re: Re: [wxpython-users] Making a spinctrl in a menu?

Ok, awesome, that makes total sense now...

But is a dictionary like a typical variable? A reference to something
and not a "container" that holds the "something?"

I read somewher that a variable was just a post-it note stuck to "str" or "int"
or "bool" or "float" or whatever....

So if I said name = "Steve"
and then said name = "Tim"
That the value Steve didn't get replaced, but in essence was abandoned
in replace of the much cooler "Tim"?

So populating a dictionairy then rewriting is wasteful of resources, or atleat
not properly managing a finite resource such as processor time, memory
etc... I'm sure the impact of creating a dictionary on a system is marginal
but if values / keys... keys / values, or just values are getting replaced, then
why populate them at all (this is rhetorical mostly....)



----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Roberts" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, 21 July, 2008 16:45
Subject: Re: Re: [wxpython-users] Making a spinctrl in a menu?

FT wrote:

    I am learning how to make my first spin control and wondering how I can
do it inside a menu item?

    I am trying to go to a settings menu with several items and when
choosing that item in the menu to have a spin ctrl displayed with the min
and max values of that item selection inside of it.

This is simply not an appropriate thing to do in a menu. Menus are for commands, and simple true/false selections. Anything more complicated than that needs to be done in a dialog.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

wxpython-users mailing list

wxpython-users mailing list


<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Mike Driscoll wrote:


FT wrote:

    I am learning how to make my first spin control and wondering how I can
do it inside a menu item?

    I am trying to go to a settings menu with several items and when
choosing that item in the menu to have a spin ctrl displayed with the min
and max values of that item selection inside of it.
This is simply not an appropriate thing to do in a menu. Menus are for commands, and simple true/false selections. Anything more complicated than that needs to be done in a dialog.

I agree...if you want wowee stuff in your menus, you should probably switch to IronPython and use its abilities to interface with the various GUI libraries that .NET provides. In the IronPython in Action book, the author mentions this capability.

Well, I'm not just saying "it isn't easy to do it" or "there's no way to do it". I'm saying "even if you CAN, you SHOULDN'T do this." User interface guidelines exist for a reason. Users expect their applications to behave in certain ways, and when an application does something radically different, users are surprised, and that leads to mistakes. Putting a spin control in a menu items requires additional button clicks, and that's not something a user should ever have to do inside a menu. Essentially, he would be turning a menu into a dialog. That's simply not good design.

I knew what you meant and I agree with you that it's not really a good idea. I just chose my words poorly and mis-communicated.


Mike Wrote;:


<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">

Mike > Driscoll wrote:


FT wrote:

    I am learning how to make my first spin control and wondering
how I can
do it inside a menu item?


This is simply not an appropriate thing to do in a menu. Menus are
for commands, and simple true/false selections. Anything more
complicated than that needs to be done in a dialog.

I agree...if you want wowee stuff in your menus, you should probably
switch to IronPython and use its abilities to interface with the
various GUI libraries that .NET provides. In the IronPython in Action
book, the author mentions this capability.

Well, I'm not just saying "it isn't easy to do it" or "there's no way
to do it". I'm saying "even if you CAN, you SHOULDN'T do this." User
interface guidelines exist for a reason. Users expect their
applications to behave in certain ways, and when an application does
something radically different, users are surprised, and that leads to
mistakes. Putting a spin control in a menu items requires additional
button clicks, and that's not something a user should ever have to do
inside a menu. Essentially, he would be turning a menu into a
dialog. That's simply not good design.

I knew what you meant and I agree with you that it's not really a good
idea. I just chose my words poorly and mis-communicated.


Hi Guys!

    I did it and it works for me. Below is the reason and where it was put.
It is in the first function call when the menu item is selected. There are
no extra button clicks for it comes up and you do the slider or spin control
and then when you hit the enter key, your done, the slider/spin control
    Note that the slider and spin have some of the same parms in them but
not quite. The wx.SpinCtgrl( has the same first 2, the parent and it's own
ID, then the difference next is the spin wants the present value in text
form only, or just leave it blank, or ""
    Then after the the slider wants the present, min, and max values before
going into the location and size. Then there like I did you just use all -1
for the use of the present form.

    Then the flags are entirely different, only 2 in the spin control and 7
or so in the slider.
    Since I can not see what it does, my need is for all voice controls, it
works perfectly and allows you to slide up and down, or left to right, and
once the selection is made by hitting the return key, you are out, the
slider/spin destroyed, and the adjustments made.

    I guess you could use this example, place instead of the tts engine I
have, use the pyTTS and see how it works for you. Or just change it to fit
what you want.

    All I can say is it works perfectly for me and others may benefit from
it. I am using the slider and it is after the menu item selected. I make the
slider, then bind to functions to it, and place focus on to it.

    def OnSettings(self, e):
        eventType = e.GetEventType()
        eventName = e.GetClassName()
        self.menuId = e.GetId()
        label4btn = self.setting_menu.GetLabelText( self.menuId)
        set_value = " Error In Label!"
        min = 0
        max = 100
        steps = 10
        tics = 5
        if label4btn == "Speaker":
            present = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getVoiceNum()
            set_value = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getVoiceName()
            max = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getVoiceCount()-1
            if self.ttsp==4: min = 1; max+=1 #SAPI 4 RANGE 1 TO MAX
            steps = 1
            tics = 1
        elif label4btn == "Rate":
            present = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getRate()
            set_value = str( present) +"%"
        elif label4btn == "Pitch":
            present = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getPitch()
            set_value = str( present) +"%"
        elif label4btn == "Volume":
            present = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getVolume()
            set_value = str( present) +"%"
        TTS2[ self.ttsp].Speak( " %s %s" % (label4btn, set_value), async,

        self.sldr_ctrl = wx.Slider(
            self, 999, present, min, max, (-1, -1), (-1, -1),
            ) #END OF CTRL DEFINITION!
        self.sldr_ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.SetVoice, self.sldr_ctrl)
        self.sldr_ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.KillSlider, self.sldr_ctrl)

    def KillSlider(self, e):
        k = e.GetKeyCode()
        if k == wx.WXK_RETURN:
            TTS2[ self.ttsp].Speak(" %s Set " %
self.setting_menu.GetLabelText( self.menuId))
            self.Do_Edit( e) #OR PLACE HERE THE DESTROY AND NEW FOCUS

    def SetVoice(self,e):
        spin_Id = e.GetId()
        value = self.sldr_ctrl.GetValue()
        max = self.sldr_ctrl.GetMax()
        min = self.sldr_ctrl.GetMin()
        label4btn = self.setting_menu.GetLabelText( self.menuId)
        TTS2[ self.ttsp].Speak( " %s %s" % (label4btn, str(value)), async,
        if label4btn == "Speaker":
            rt = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getRate()
            pt = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getPitch()
            TTS2[ self.ttsp].setVoice( value)
            if self.ttsp==TS5:
                TTS2[ self.ttsp].setRate( rt)
                TTS2[ self.ttsp].setPitch( pt)
            set_value = TTS2[ self.ttsp].getVoiceName()
        elif label4btn == "Rate":
            TTS2[ self.ttsp].setRate( value)
            set_value = str( value)+"%"
        elif label4btn == "Pitch":
            TTS2[ self.ttsp].setPitch( value)
            set_value = str( value)+"%"
        elif label4btn == "Volume":
            if value < min+5:
                TTS2[ self.ttsp].setVolume( 50)
                TTS2[ self.ttsp].Speak( "Volume Minimum!")
                value = 0
            TTS2[ self.ttsp].setVolume( value)
            set_value = str( value)+"%"
        TTS2[ self.ttsp].Speak(" %s %s" % (label4btn, set_value), async,

    def Do_Edit(self,e):
        """ Edit the file"""
        if self.sldr_ctrl:
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
frame = MainWindow(None, -1, "Voice Editor")