Kevin Ollivier wrote:
I think Robin made the same mistake I made when I first built the Package for Panther.
Apple's Panther lives in: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.Framework
But this is not where extension modules are supposed to go. (Since
this is a system folder and Apple doesn't want people mucking inside
of those.) site-packages is supposed to just be a symlink to /Library/Python/2.3, where the extension modules should go.
Grrr... I guess I need to pay more attention to the pythonmac-sig list. Is there a message there or some other doc that documents this that you
can point me to? Is there a distutils hack that helps facilitate
installing things in the right place?
I did examine site-pacakges (on my freshly installed from scratch
Panther) before installing for the first time and I'm fairly certain I
would have noticed that it was a symlink... Oh well.
However, when I just checked site-packages inside of /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.Framework, it is no longer a
Yep I've heard that the Installer program will do that, if it has a
directory in it's file list then it will blow away symlinks that are in
the way.
and contains only two extension modules: wx and wxPython. So that is very likely the cause of your problems here.
But it should be mentioned that putting the packages there does allow them to work okay. It's just not the "right" place, and if there were any other packages already installed in the right place then blowing away the symlink will cause you to not be able to access them since /library/Python/2.3 is not on the sys.path. (You'd think that if Apple wanted things done this way they would have installed a that put that dir on the sys.path, and also patched distutils to install stuff there. <grumble> )
My Mac OS X Panther installation of wxPython appears to be all
screwed up and I'm getting segmentation faults among other things.
I thought I had 2.4.x working after upgrading to Panther last week,
but now I'm not so sure, I might be remembering some Jaguar tests.
I tried renaming the 2.4 libs before installing the
(apple) build and since then I haven't been able to get 2.4 or 2.5
to run. Before I go any further, could someone list the paths of
Jaguar and Panther installations of wxPython so I can clean everything out including symlinks and then try doing a clean
install of 2.4 to make sure that is working before attempting 2.5
Jaguar wxPython 2.4:
* some scripts in /usr/local/bin
* wxMac libs in /usr/local/lib
* other wxMac stuff under /usr/local/share/wx
* Python packages in /Library/Frameworks/.../site-packages
Panther wxPython 2.4:
* same as above except /System/Library/Frameworks/.../site-packages
(Kevin O: is that where the installer you built will put them or did the
final one put them in /Library/Python/2.3 ?)
"Apple" wxPython 2.5 :
* scripts in /usr/bin
* wxMac libs, headers, share, etc in /usr/lib/wxPython-
* Python packages in /Library/Frameworks/.../site-packages
* Don't forget to redo the symlink
Also, in /Library/Receipts is a copy of the Installer package that you used to install before, and is what the Installer uses to know if it is doing an upgrade or a fresh install. When I clean things up manually I also remove the old installers in that dir.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!