Hello, I am looking for some information so I can define what is and
isn't possible in my current project.
Please note: I have been learning (wx)Python for about three months
now so am still learning quickly.
print wx.VERSION = (2, 8, 11, 0, '')
The best overview I can give is I am trying to recreate an application
similar to skype, but without the limitations. By this I mean my
application will have the ability to send and receive multiple webcam
feeds (sent through a central SIP server) and other such
I am currently communicating with an XML-RPC server (that someone else
is developing but I can give input to) and successfully sending and
receiving text data.
After searching the group threads I am still at a loss what I can and
can't achieve.
1) Sending and Recieving webcam stream
Currently I can access a webcam using VideoCapture, PyTimer and the
PIL functions. Each frame is captured and using EVT_PAINT put into a
panel. This refreshes quick enough to give the impression that is is a
stream, so this I am happy with. In theory would the best way of
broadcasting this be to send each frame captured to a SIP server
(maybe using RPC calls?) and allows the server to pass each image to
the other client to also 'Paint' into a panel?
And again do this but in reverse for receiving the other clients
webcam feed(s)?
2) Remote Desktop Connection
Is there anyway of embedding some form of RDC into a wxPython App to
allow the user to control another host machine? This would be for
fixing trivial issues without the need of driving 10-30miles and
wasting time/resources for a 5 minute fix.
3) Sending Voice
Is there a way of communication with a VoIP server to allow two way
voice communications?
4) XML Data Graphs
Is it possible to display an x-y graph with the data extracted and
plotted from an XML file? For example a users heart BPM data is
collected over a few hours, sent to the App in either an XML file, or
as tuple lists, and the results could be shown on a graph?
Thank you for all of the advice