When using lib.agw.aui.AuiNotebook I am unable to drag and drop notebook tabs between different notebooks. The hint is shown but the drop does not complete.
I have attached a sample program which illustrates this problem.
I poked around in auibook.py and managed to get drag and drop working between tabs with a dirty hack, but have no doubt broken some other things.
The diff is attached. All it does is remove the AuiNotebookEvent Veto in AuiNotebook.OnTabEndDrag. Applying this patch will “fix” EXTERNAL_MOVE in the sample program.
I have seen earlier posts describing this problem and it seems that this does not happen with everyone. Is this really a problem in AuiNotebook or am I missing some vital flag?
I’m using the latest SVN version of agw (r66295) and:
python ‘2.6.5 (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]’
wx ‘ (msw-unicode)’
Windows 7 Home Premium
Thanks for any help,
aui_nb_sample.py (929 Bytes)
auibook.diff (553 Bytes)