Is it possible to make a keymap for viewing large images in wxpython?.
If yes please tell me the widget to use. If there aren't any widgets
please help me providing some links to develop on widget
I don’t know about a keymap, but what about DragScroller in the demo?
It demonstrates viewing a very large image on a ScrolledWindow.
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Rashad wrote:
Is it possible to make a keymap for viewing large images in wxpython?.
If yes please tell me the widget to use. If there aren’t any widgets
please help me providing some links to develop on widget
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Please define what you mean by keymap.
On 7/19/10 5:41 AM, Rashad wrote:
Is it possible to make a keymap for viewing large images in wxpython?.
If yes please tell me the widget to use. If there aren't any widgets
please help me providing some links to develop on widget
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman