Hello NG,
Josiah Carlson wrote:
I feel for you, really I do. The event handling machinery inside PyPE
(http://pype.sf.net) is f-ing horrible. Thank god I don't write GUIs
commercially, or I'd really be angry about the hacking necessary to get
everything to work. I pity you guys who do this for money.
Mhm, I don't feel such pain when I write applications, whether they are
commercial/copyrigthed or not. I felt that "angry" when I was more newbie
(and it can be seen by the frequence of my posts on wxPython-users list)
and I (erroneously) started right away to write a big and complex wxPython
application that linked wxPython, VTK, matplotlib and various optimization
routines written in Matlab, Fortran and C++. At that time it was really a
pain. Now that I am "less" newbe than before, I don't generally agree with
the general conclusions that this thread is offering.
Probably my opinion is influenced by the fact that before knowing about
Python and wxPython, I was doing GUI programming in Matlab and Fortran.
THIS was a pain in the ass, not talking about distributing compiled
applications on other PCs.
Remembering that nightmare-period, I feel far more confortable now.
Moreover, in my personal opinion, there is *always* a way to accomplish a
particular task in wxPython. Or better, there is more than one way to do
the same thing (this seems the Perl slogan ;-), but don't worry, I hate
Perl). Noting that, it is a responsibility of the programmer to find the
right way to do one thing. If something is wrong, it's our fault, not
wxPython fault. If something else is ugly, 80% is our fault. The question
that should we ask to ourselves is not: "Why wxPython is not working that
way? It's not a polite GUI toolkit...", but: "Is there another way to
accomplish what I am trying to do?". IFF I am unable to find an answer by
myself and by asking to this NG and to wxPython developers, then,
*probably*, it can be seen as a wxPython problem/lack of flexibility or
whatever you would call it.
This thread has gone very far, and the main result of all this discussion
is that another GUI toolkit will (sooner or later) show up, after a
***huge*** amount of work and with unknown degree of success. Moreover,
another (active and helpful) person will almost leave the wxPython
community. Someone is feeling different than I feel: all my bothering
"ANNs" were done just to try to improve what we already have (wxPython),
and I'll always think that this is the best way we can choose in order to
go further and further. Even if it's not perfect (nothing is and will be
perfect), it's the best one out there. So why don't concentrate our effort
in order to improve it instead of reinventing the wheel?
However, good luck Peter for your work!
Just my 2c.
Andrea Gavana
Reservoir Engineer
MOGI ? Reservoir Characterization and Modeling Dept.
ENI S.p.A. ? Exploration & Production Division
Via Emilia, 1 ? 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) ? Italy
Phone: +39 02 520 62972
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E-mail: andrea.gavana@agip.it
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