job: Developer at Wesabe


I'm looking for a full-time developer to join Wesabe, a startup in Berkeley (moving to San Francisco later in life). I'd particularly be interested in someone with wxPython experience (we have a largish app written in wxPython) who'd also enjoy making a high-end Firefox extension. That said, I don't expect that I'll necessarily find someone who has done both of those before, and I don't think the technologies involved are impenetrable at all, so mostly what I'd like is a great developer who wants to work with fabulous people on fantastic project. See a bit about the project here:

and throughout the posts on that blog, "Wheaties for Your Wallet."

You can see more about me, if you want to know who you'd be dealing with, through my posts on O'Reilly Radar:

If you're a developer, you might enjoy these particularly:

You can see more about the other developers at their blogs:

Drop me a line if this sounds like fun.
