Hey Peter,
I see no reason why it shouldn't be used for games, other than this one
problem. It handles input, including joystick controls.
Pygame, while a nice library I am sure, does not do any gui as far as I know,
which is probably why there is a thing on integrating them floating around
Ogre isn't just for games either, I am gearing the demo I am writing toward
games, but it could be adapted to any application that needs 3d. I understand
that you can use OpenGL as well, but I like Ogre, it has a cooler name :-/
--- Peter Damoc <peter@sigmacore.net> wrote:
On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:39:11 +0200, Bryan Patrick Coleman > <totalknowledge@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new here, I asked this once but maybe I should ask it in a
> different way.
> I am trying to build a game demo using a 3d graphics library called ogre.
> Ogre doesn't have its own windowing system, or at least not a very good
> one.
> I would like to try to use wxPython, since I can also use it for input
> and
> listening. The problem is that it doesn't appear that there is anyway to
> overlay a pane ontop of another pane. Should I find a different windowing
> system that is more geared toward this behavior is it possible to do with
> wxPython?for games use a specialist:
http://www.pygame.orgwxPython is for GUIs not games.
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