Is it possible to make a cover flow effect using wxpython?

    I wonder if it is possible to realize the cover flow effect only
using wxpython?
    And I know that pyglet can be used to make a cover flow, but I
don't know how to insert the pyglet.window.window object into wxpython
    Please help me! Thanks!

zhengqing wrote:

    I wonder if it is possible to realize the cover flow effect only
using wxpython?

I don't think so -- you need to transform images, and wx has very little image processing.

you could do it with wxPython and PIL to do the image transform (PIL.Image.transform), though I don't know how fast that would be.

    And I know that pyglet can be used to make a cover flow, but I
don't know how to insert the pyglet.window.window object into wxpython

well, Open GL would make it work, and be speedy too. You can put an OpenGL window in wxPyhton, so you can probably do a pyglet one too. Here's one -- though it looks like it needs some cleaning up:

If not you could use straight pyOpenGL -- it would probably be pretty straightforward.



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