Uhm, I’m afraid you’re way off your mark here. Sometimes you can dig deeper by simply firing up a shell and
>>> import wx
Now, first of all, names like “wx.EVT_***” are not event types at all, they are event binders, and, in fact, objects (yes, despite their constant-like appearance… it’s a long story…):
>>> wx.EVT_BUTTON # this guy is really an object in disguise...
<wx.core.PyEventBinder object at 0x.....>
Event types are attached to binders and they are, indeed, numerical constants. They are stored in the “evtType” attribute of the binder object:
>>> wx.EVT_BUTTON.evtType
except, the “evtType” attribute is really a list, not a number yet. This is because, while most binders have just one event type, a few “collective” binders may have many types attached:
>>> wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS.evtType
[10030, 10031, 10032, 10033, 10034, 10035, 10036, 10039, 10040, 10041,
10037, 10038, 10045, 10046, 10047, 10048, 10049, 10050, 10051]
Now for the fun part: every single event type (numerical constant) also comes with its own symbol, in the form of “wx.wxEVT_***”:
>>> wx.wxEVT_BUTTON # now, that's what I call a *number*!
Of course you cannot have also a “wx.wxEVT_MOUSE_EVENTS”, but you do have the likes of
>>> wx.wxEVT_LEFT_UP
>>> wx.wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN
and so on.
Wrapping things up, your code works fine either if you write
def OnMouseEvent (self, evt):
et = evt.GetEventType() # this is a *number*
if [et] == wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW.evtType: # but evtType is a *list* !
elif [et] == wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW.evtType:
# etc etc
def OnMouseEvent (self, evt):
et = evt.GetEventType() # this is a *number*
if et == wx.wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW: # this is a number too!
elif et == wx.wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW:
# etc etc
With all that being said, no one would ever do something like that.
Just use the handy wx.MouseEvent methods to query what kind of action was performed:
def OnMouseEvent (self, evt):
if evt.LeftDown():
print('left down')
elif evt.LeftUp():
print('left up')
# etc. etc.
or, if you want to save a few lines, even something like
def OnMouseEvent (self, evt):
for meth_name in ('LeftDown', 'LeftUp', 'Entering', 'Leaving'): # add to taste
if getattr(evt, meth_name)():