import wx error question ?

I have installed wx and everything looks fine. I have written a small app that uses wx.

When I run my program from the console like
ubuntu $ python

it gives error
Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 6, in ?
import wx
ImportError: No module named wx

But if I run the program from SPE (Stani’s Python Editor) it just runs fine.

How can I resolve such an issue. Please help. Is my path settting worng …?

Every help is appreciated.



I wrote my owen
PyGridTableBase, but now I cant append Rows?

I copied more or less the
append Rows from the wxPython in Action Book.

It appends the rowname to
the self.rowLabels list, but nothing more. I called a ForceRefresh(). But all
the Time the same ProblemL


Micha (1.23 KB)

Micha Reiser wrote:


I wrote my owen PyGridTableBase, but now I cant append Rows?

I copied more or less the append Rows from the wxPython in Action Book.

It appends the rowname to the self.rowLabels list, but nothing more. I called a ForceRefresh(). But all the Time the same ProblemL

The table needs to inform the grid that rows have been appended. See for an example.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!