immitating a dropdown combo box

Dear Friends of wxPython esp. Frank Millman,
I have some good results making a programmably dropable combo box like effect with a text box and a show/hide special listCtrl. I used Phillip Piper’s Object List View which has lots of functionalities and programmability. I am new to wxPython and Python so i have been painfully slow coding this. While it isn’t just like a combobox yet it works well and does a bsearch on multiple characters. Actually so far the listCtrl has focus and typing chars in it searches and highlights the list while the keystrokes are entered into the textbox, then hitting “Enter” puts the selected item string in the textbox and sends focus to the next window object. I will try to make typing in the textbox directly make the selection in the listbox. I will try window.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) to try and send the keystrokes to the ObjectListView and have an event handler there process them. ok here’s the code: sorry its so long- i can email it to anyone.

#!/usr/bin/env python

-- coding: iso-8859-15 --

generated by wxGlade 0.6.2 on Fri May 01 18:53:32 2009

import wx
from ObjectListView import ObjectListView, FastObjectListView, GroupListView, ColumnDefn, EVT_CELL_EDIT_FINISHED, EVT_CELL_EDIT_STARTING

import datetime #for grouplist
import ExampleModel #for grouplist
import ExampleImages # We store our images as python code #for grouplist

begin wxGlade: extracode

end wxGlade

Class MainFrame(wx.Frame):

"""This is a test to make a programmably dropable combobox look a like
from a custom widget "ObjectListView"(subclasses ListCtrl) from Phillip Piper
and a textCtr. It immitates the workings of a comboCtrl for the user.

It isn't exactly like a comboCtrl yet and here each textCtrl acts a little
differently to show possible behaviours. Check it out and please improve it.

This test needs the open source ObjectListView ctrl downloadable from:

The zip file is aprox. 2.2Mb which includes docs and examples. Needed code is
less than 300KB. It installs into the python2.?/lib/site-packages folder
Installing is the normal: python install


def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
    # begin wxGlade: MainFrame.__init__
    kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE
    wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)

    self.panel_Main = wx.Panel(self, -1)
    self.txtTop = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_Main, -1, "", style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
    self.lblDepts = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "Depts:", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)

    self.txtDepts = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_Main, 1, "")
    self.lblItems = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "Items:", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
    self.txtItems = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_Main, 2, "")

    self.lblSuppliers = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "Suppliers:", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
    self.txtSuppliers = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_Main, 3, "")
    self.lblCos = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "Company:", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)

    self.txtCos = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_Main, 4, "")
    self.lblDate = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "Date:", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
    self.datepicker_ctrl_1 = wx.DatePickerCtrl(self.panel_Main, -1, style=wx.DP_DROPDOWN)

    self.lblSerialNo = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "Serial No.:")
    self.txtSerialNo = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_Main, -1, "")
    self.lblListBox = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "ListBox:")

    self.list_box_1 = wx.ListBox(self.panel_Main, -1, choices=[])
    self.lblCombo = wx.StaticText(self.panel_Main, -1, "Combo Box:")
    self.combo_box_1 = wx.ComboBox(self.panel_Main, -1, choices=[], style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN)

    #self.olvBottom = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel_Main, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
    self.BottomOlv = GroupListView(self.panel_Main, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)

    # end wxGlade
    ##Here i add code for this test comboCtrl example - add the Object List View
    self.myOlv = FastObjectListView(self, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)

    self.olvCallerId = 0
    for each in self.listCompany:
    for each in self.listCompany:

    topString = """Click on 1 of the top 4 textboxes to show and work with the listCtrl. DatePicker,
Listbox, and combobox are normal, just for reference. The OBjectListControl Has

default behavior that it takes multiple key strokes but only if typed in quickly together.
Else it starts a new search if time is allowed between keystrokes - yet this time
gap is settable during runtime.Bottom ObjectListControl is just for fun to show it off... 

def __set_properties(self):
    # begin wxGlade: MainFrame.__set_properties
    self.SetTitle("ObjectListView  -> Droppable Combo box")

    self.txtDepts.SetMinSize((200, 27))
    self.txtSuppliers.SetMinSize((200, 27))
    self.list_box_1.SetMinSize((200, -1))
    # end wxGlade

def __do_layout(self):
    # begin wxGlade: MainFrame.__do_layout

    sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
    sizer_2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
    grid_sizer_Entry = wx.FlexGridSizer(4, 5, 0, 0)
    sizer_2.Add(self.txtTop, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 3)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblDepts, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)

    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.txtDepts, 2, 0, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add((20, 20), 0, 0, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblItems, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.txtItems, 2, wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND, 3)

    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblSuppliers, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.txtSuppliers, 0, 0, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add((20, 20), 0, 0, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblCos, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)

    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.txtCos, 0, wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND, 3)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblDate, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.datepicker_ctrl_1, 0, 0, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add((20, 20), 0, 0, 0)

    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblSerialNo, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.txtSerialNo, 0, wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND, 3)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblListBox, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.list_box_1, 0, 0, 0)

    grid_sizer_Entry.Add((20, 20), 0, 0, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.lblCombo, 0, 0, 0)
    grid_sizer_Entry.Add(self.combo_box_1, 0, wx.RIGHT|wx.EXPAND, 3)

    sizer_2.Add(grid_sizer_Entry, 2, wx.EXPAND, 0)
    sizer_2.Add(self.BottomOlv, 4, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)
    sizer_1.Add(self.panel_Main, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)

    # end wxGlade
    #my added code line above ill be overwritten by wxGlade so put back in

sizer_2.Add(self.olvBottom, 4, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)

    #these 2 lines below for group list view
    #My Added Code for this test Combo Box immitation
def MakeLists(self):
  """Here the lists used for each textCtrl/listCtrl combination are hardcoded.

     Just to simplify things :-) ["AUM"],
  self.listDepts = [["All"], ["animals"], ["Any"], ["AUM"], ["Authors"], ["Baby"], ["Bangles"],

    ["Bargain"], ["Bath"], ["Battles"], ["Beagles"], ["Beatles"], ["Beauty Aides"], ["Bottles"],
     ["Bottoms"], ["Bugles"], ["Bungled"], ["Burdens"], ["C"], ["D"], ["E"],["F"], ["G"], ["H"],

    ["I"], ["O"], ["U"], ["Y"], ["Z"]]
  self.listItems = [["Alabama"], ["Alberdeen"], ["All"], ["Apples"], ["Appendages"], ["Appreciations"],

    ["Approbations"], ["Appropriations"], ["Arizona"], ["Arkansas"], ["Armageddon"], ["Any"], ["AUM"],
    ["Authors"], ["B"], ["D"], ["E"], ["I"], ["Laments"],["Lamours"], ["LastLines"], ["Latenights"], ["Lathers"], ["Latin"],

    ["Leaches"], ["Lectures"], ["Leeches"], ["F"], ["G"], ["H"],["Levels"], ["Libations"], ["Libels"],["Liberals"], ["Live"],

     ["Liveries"], ["Livid"], ["Living"], ["O"], ["U"], ["Y"], ["Z"]]
  self.listSuppliers = [["A1"], ["Al"], ["All"], ["Alvin"], ["Amtrak"], ["Amrita"], ["Amy"], ["Angels"],

    ["Anglers"], ["Arjuna"], ["Aster"], ["Astrix"], ["Attention"], ["Attilla"], ["Atul"], ["Auroville"],
     ["Autokind"], ["Avantgarde"], ["Avengers"], ["AUM"], ["Authors"], ["B"], ["D"], ["E"], ["I"],

     ["Pails"],["Pales"], ["Palettes"], ["Pals"], ["Pandas"], ["Pandian"], ["Pangs"], ["Passages"],
     ["Pastels"], ["PastLives"], ["Peace"], ["Peach"], ["Peale"], ["F"], ["G"], ["H"],

     ["O"], ["U"], ["Y"], ["Z"]]

  self.listCompany = [["A1"], ["Al"], ["All"], ["Alvin"], ["Amtrak"], ["Amrita"], ["Amy"], ["Angels"],

    ["Anglers"], ["Arjuna"], ["Aster"], ["Astrix"], ["Attention"], ["Attilla"], ["Atul"], ["Auroville"],
     ["Autokind"], ["Avantgarde"], ["Avengers"], ["AUM"], ["Authors"], ["B"], ["D"], ["E"], ["I"],

     ["Pails"],["Pales"], ["Palettes"], ["Pals"], ["Pandas"], ["Pandian"], ["Pangs"], ["Passages"],
     ["Pastels"], ["PastLives"], ["Peace"], ["Peach"], ["Peale"], ["F"], ["G"], ["H"],

     ["O"], ["U"], ["Y"], ["Z"]]
  self.BoxIdLists = {1: self.listDepts, 2: self.listItems, 3: self.listSuppliers,
          4: self.listSuppliers}

def Bindings(self):
  """write all the bind statements for the textCtrls and other widgets
     Especially to fill and show the Object List View control

  #self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.ShowOlv, self.txtDepts)
  self.txtDepts.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.ShowOlv)
  self.txtItems.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.ShowOlv)
  self.txtSuppliers.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.ShowOlv)

  self.txtCos.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.ShowOlv)

self.txtDepts.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.HideOlv)

self.txtItems.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.HideOlv)

self.txtSuppliers.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.HideOlv)

self.txtCos.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.HideOlv)

  self.myOlv.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OlvHandleChar,)
  self.myOlv.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.HideOlv)
  self.list_box_1.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.ListBoxHandleChar,)

  #txtDepts, txtItems, txtSuppliers, txtCos, list_box_1, combo_box_1
def ShowOlv(self, evt):
  """fill olv for textbox object, header + values, then show with same
  width as txtbox and top same as txtbox bottom

  self.txtObj = evt.GetEventObject()

dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "The object is " + str(self.txtObj), “Get Obj on focus”, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)



  self.olvCallerId = self.txtObj.GetId() #can't get object name so use ID
  mypos = self.txtObj.GetPosition()
  mysize = self.txtObj.GetSizeTuple()
  #self.FindWindowById(self.olvCallerId).SetValue("Sri Aurobindo" + str(self.txtObj.GetName()) + str(mypos) + "-" + "SIZE "+ str(self.txtObj.GetSizeTuple()[0]))

  self.myOlv.SetPosition((mypos[0], (mypos[1] + mysize[1])))
  self.myOlv.SetSize((mysize[0], 400))
  comboColumn = ColumnDefn("Values", "left", mysize[0], valueGetter=(0))


ColumnDefn(“Values”, “left”, mysize[0], valueGetter=(0))

  self.myOlv.searchPrefix = ""


def OlvHandleChar(self, evt):
  """Handles the keystrokes made in the OLV object - sends them to calling textCtrl


dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, “OlvHandleChar”, “Get KeyStroke”, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)

if evt.GetKeyCode() == 13: #(==m)109: #!= 13 :

dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "The searchPrefix is " + str(self.olvItems.searchPrefix ) + “-” + str(evt.GetKeyCode()), “Get KeyStroke”, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)



self.txtCoName.SetValue(self.txtCoName.GetValue() + str(evt.GetKeyCode()))

  #self.txtCoName.SetValue(str(self.olvItems.searchPrefix ))
  if evt.GetKeyCode() == 13:

      mySelection = self.myOlv.GetSelectedObjects()[0][0]
    except IndexError, e:
      mySelection = ""


dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "The next box is " + str(self.FindWindowById(self.olvCallerId +1).GetValue()) + “-” + str(evt.GetKeyCode()), “Get Selected Item”, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)



      self.FindWindowById(self.olvCallerId + 1).SetFocus()
    except AttributeError, e:

      self.FindWindowById(self.olvCallerId).SetValue(self.myOlv.searchPrefix + chr(evt.GetKeyCode()))
    except ValueError, e:

def HideOlv(self,evt):
def ListBoxHandleChar(self,evt):
  if evt.GetKeyCode() == 13:
    self.list_box_1.SetSize((200, 70))

##Here code for the bottomObjectListView that groups and has image icons




def InitModel(self):
    self.songs = ExampleModel.GetTracks()

def InitObjectListView(self):
    groupImage = self.BottomOlv.AddImages(ExampleImages.getGroup16Bitmap(), ExampleImages.getGroup32Bitmap())

    userImage = self.BottomOlv.AddImages(ExampleImages.getUser16Bitmap(), ExampleImages.getUser32Bitmap())
    musicImage = self.BottomOlv.AddImages(ExampleImages.getMusic16Bitmap(), ExampleImages.getMusic32Bitmap())

    soloArtists = ["Nelly Furtado", "Missy Higgins", "Moby", "Natalie Imbruglia",
                   "Dido", "Paul Simon", "Bruce Cockburn"]

    def artistImageGetter(track):
        if track.artist in soloArtists:
            return userImage
            return groupImage

    def sizeToNiceString(byteCount):

        Convert the given byteCount into a string like: 9.9bytes/KB/MB/GB
        for (cutoff, label) in [(1024*1024*1024, "GB"), (1024*1024, "MB"), (1024, "KB")]:

            if byteCount >= cutoff:
                return "%.1f %s" % (byteCount * 1.0 / cutoff, label)

        if byteCount == 1:
            return "1 byte"

            return "%d bytes" % byteCount

    def lastPlayedGroupKey(track):
        Return the grouping key for the given track when group by last played column

        # We only want to group tracks by the month in which they were played
        return, track.lastPlayed.month, 1)

    def lastPlayedGroupKeyConverter(groupKey):

        # Convert the given group key (which is a date) into a representation string
        return groupKey.strftime("%B %Y")

    self.BottomOlv.useExpansionColumn = True

        ColumnDefn("Title", "left", 120, "title", imageGetter=musicImage, useInitialLetterForGroupKey=True),
        ColumnDefn("Artist", "left", 120, "artist", imageGetter=artistImageGetter),

        ColumnDefn("Size", "center", 100, "sizeInBytes", stringConverter=sizeToNiceString),
        ColumnDefn("Last Played", "left", 100, "lastPlayed", groupKeyGetter=lastPlayedGroupKey,

        ColumnDefn("Rating", "center", 100, "rating")

    #self.BottomOlv.cellEditMode = ObjectListView.CELLEDIT_F2ONLY

#End of class MainFrame

if name == “main”:
TestOlvCombo = wx.PySimpleApp(0)
frame_1 = MainFrame(None, -1, “”)


#Here is code for import ExampleModel #for grouplist

-- coding: utf-8 --

#!/usr/bin/env python

Simple minded model objects for our examples

import datetime
import time

class Track(object):
Simple minded object that represents a song in a music library
def init(self, title, artist, album, sizeInBytes, lastPlayed, rating):

    self.title = title
    self.artist = artist
    self.album = album
    self.lastPlayed = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(lastPlayed, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")[0:6]))
    self.sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes

    self.rating = rating

def GetSizeInMb(self):
    return self.sizeInBytes / (1024.0*1024.0)

def GetTracks():
Return a collection of tracks

return [
    Track("shiver", "Natalie Imbruglia", "Counting Down the Days", 8.6*1024*1024*1024, "9/03/2008 9:51", 80),
    Track("Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses", "U2", "Achtung Baby", 6.3*1024*1024, "9/10/2007 11:32", 80),

    Track("So Cruel", "U2", "Achtung Baby", 6.9*1024*1024, "9/10/2007 11:38", 60),
    Track("The Fly", "U2", "Achtung Baby", 5.4*1024*1024, "9/10/2007 11:42", 60),

    Track("Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World", "U2", "Achtung Baby", 4.7*1024*1024, "9/10/2007 11:46", 60),
    Track("Ultraviolet (Light My Way)", "U2", "Achtung Baby", 6.6*1024*1024, "9/10/2007 11:52", 60),

    Track("Acrobat", "U2", "Achtung Baby", 5.4*1024*1024, "9/10/2007 11:56", 60),
    Track("Love Is Blindness", "U2", "Achtung Baby", 5.3*1024, "9/10/2007 12:00", 60),

    Track("Elevation", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 459, "25/01/2008 11:46", 60),
    Track("Walk On", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 5.8*1024*1024, "18/03/2008 11:39", 100),

    Track("Kite", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 5.2*1024*1024, "23/01/2008 10:36", 40),
    Track("In A Little While", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 4.3*1024*1024, "20/01/2008 7:48", 60),

    Track("Wild Honey", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 4.5*1024*1024, "13/04/2007 11:50", 40),
    Track("Peace On Earth", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 5.6*1024*1024, "22/12/2007 2:51", 40),

    Track("When I Look At The World", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 5.1*1024*1024, "22/12/2007 2:55", 40),
    Track("New York", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 6.4*1024*1024, "22/12/2007 3:01", 60),

    Track("Grace", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 6.5*1024*1024, "22/12/2007 3:06", 40),
    Track("The Ground Beneath Her Feet(Bonus Track)", "U2", "All That You Can't Leave Behind", 4.4*1024*1024, "22/12/2007 3:10", 40),

    Track("Follow You Home", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 6*1024*1024, "6/03/2008 10:42", 40),
    Track("Fight For All The Wrong Reason", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 5.2*1024*1024, "15/03/2008 5:04", 60),

    Track("Photograph", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 6*1024*1024, "15/03/2008 5:08", 60),
    Track("Animals", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 4.3*1024*1024, "16/02/2008 12:12", 40),

    Track("Savin' Me", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 5.1*1024*1024, "24/03/2008 10:41", 80),
    Track("Far Away", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 5.5*1024*1024, "15/03/2008 5:30", 40),

    Track("Next Contestant", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 5*1024*1024, "24/03/2008 9:47", 80),
    Track("Side Of A Bullet", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 4.2*1024*1024, "6/03/2008 11:00", 40),

    Track("If Everyone Cared", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 5*1024*1024, "6/03/2008 11:03", 60),
    Track("Someone That You're With", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 5.6*1024*1024, "16/02/2008 12:34", 40),

    Track("Rockstar", "Nickelback", "All The Right Reasons", 5.9*1024*1024, "16/02/2008 12:38", 60),
    Track("Lelani", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 5.9*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 8:45", 60),

    Track("Tojo", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 4.1*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 8:48", 60),
    Track("My Girl", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 3.3*1024*1024, "12/11/2007 7:57", 80),

    Track("Be My Guru", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 3.3*1024*1024, "20/03/2008 12:15", 100),
    Track("I Want You Back", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 3.9*1024*1024, "12/11/2007 7:42", 80),

    Track("I Was A Kamikaze Pilot", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 3.9*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 9:00", 60),
    Track("Bittersweet", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 4.7*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 9:04", 60),

    Track("Poison Pen", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 5*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 9:11", 60),
    Track("In The Wild", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 3.9*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 9:14", 60),

    Track("Whats My Scene?", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 4.6*1024*1024, "12/11/2007 7:51", 100),
    Track("Heart Of Darkness", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 3.8*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 9:21", 60),

    Track("Good Times", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 3.7*1024*1024, "20/03/2008 12:18", 80),
    Track("Cajun Country", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 4.9*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 9:28", 60),

    Track("Axegrinder", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 4.2*1024*1024, "22/10/2007 9:32", 60),
    Track("Another World", "Hoodoo Gurus", "Ampology", 4*1024*1024, "20/03/2008 12:21", 80),

    Track("Meant To Live", "Switchfoot", "The Beautiful Letdown", 4*1024*1024, "3/03/2008 1:46", 100),
    Track("This Is Your Life", "Switchfoot", "The Beautiful Letdown", 4*1024*1024, "3/03/2008 2:11", 100),

    Track("More than fine", "Switchfoot", "The Beautiful Letdown", 4.9*1024*1024, "3/03/2008 2:16", 60),
    Track("Ammunition", "Switchfoot", "The Beautiful Letdown", 4.4*1024*1024, "3/03/2008 1:58", 40),

    Track("Dare you to move", "Switchfoot", "The Beautiful Letdown", 4.9*1024*1024, "3/03/2008 2:20", 80),
    Track("Redemption", "Switchfoot", "The Beautiful Letdown", 3.6*1024*1024, "19/03/2008 5:19", 80),

    Track("The beautiful letdown", "Switchfoot", "The Beautiful Letdown", 6.2*1024*1024, "3/03/2008 2:29", 60),

##here is code for import ExampleImages # We store our images as python code #for grouplist



This file was generated by .\

from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage, EmptyIcon
import cStringIO, zlib

def getGroup16Data():
return zlib.decompress(



\xba\xaa\xa4\xa5\x0fRD\xdc\x98l\x87\xd7\xbc\xbb\xbd\x1b\xf2\x03\xb0c$\x08I+\ \x03\x8ck)\xf2^\xea\xd9:K\x9aG\xb7\x8f\x9eW\xf3n\x91\x99$\x8f\xd1\xb0>\x90G

\xcev\xff\x02\x0b[\xa5cP|\xd5p\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82\xf3\x99\x84Y’ )

def getGroup16Bitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getGroup16Image())

def getGroup16Image():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getGroup16Data())

return ImageFromStream(stream)

def getGroup32Data():
return zlib.decompress(
'x\xda\x01\xde\x01!\xfe\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00\

\x00\x00 \x08\x02\x00\x00\x00\xfc\x18\xed\xa3\x00\x00\x00\x03sBIT\x08\x08
\x08\xdb\xe1O\xe0\x00\x00\x01\x96IDATH\x89\xb5\x95[\x96\x84 \x0cD+}fGaM\xb0



\xee\xe4\x1b\xc0HJ\x00 v\x8c]\x9d\xb5x\x0e\x88\x98\xbca\xfa+\xfd) b\x869z


\x169Z\x8c\xb3 \xbdz=^}|R\x0e:\x19?\xfb\x05+L\xbc\xc4\xa4k\x1fx\x00\x00\x00
\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82\xc6'\xc9\x85’ )

def getGroup32Bitmap():

return BitmapFromImage(getGroup32Image())

def getGroup32Image():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getGroup32Data())
return ImageFromStream(stream)


def getMusic16Data():
return zlib.decompress(

\xfe{\xd1\xe96u\xba\xcd\xa6\xa0f\x18fJX\x84\x06\x19\x18Z\x16a\x8c\xec \x9d
\x82 \xe8\xed\x10\x11]\xbbx\xe9\x10t\x8a\xe8\xd2\xa5\x17#\x88\nC\xa2\x1013\t


=\x0e*\xea \x96\x0f:+\xe8\x14\xd0G\xc0j^+J\xac \xdbl\xd8\x08\x14\x07\x81\xbf

\xa5\x9eZ g\x1d6\xddjP^\x8a\xef\xcd\xa2=\x97.28\xc0;\x1f\xf1U-L\xdb.\xde\xfe



\x8b\xe5\x9b\xb28h\xe4,\xac\xbf\xf2\x90\x87x}\x8bbDh\x10\x90-\xf3\xee\x95\ \x98i\xba\xaf\x95n\x88\xd4\xe6\xd0x\xc8\xcd)U#\xd13\xcb\x83\x89eF~\x8f\x920

\xd0\xed\xebS\x0fL\x08\xf6\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82 ^9\xf8’ )

def getMusic16Bitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getMusic16Image())

def getMusic16Image():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getMusic16Data())
return ImageFromStream(stream)


def getMusic32Data():
return zlib.decompress(
'x\xda\x01\xa9\x06V\xf9\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00
\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\x00\x00szz\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x04sBIT\x08\x08\x08\x08|

ko\xbc\xb1\x9d\xc4I\x9c\x07i\x9c> \x8fBM\t\x10Z\x9e\n*\x01A>\x90R\xa9\xaa


\xdd+\xf9\x8a\xbe\xcc\x1cZ~\xff\x06\x067\xaf\xa5\xb0a\x84\xdc\xe8 H \x0c!\

\xfa}\xe47\xad\x05\x0c@\x03% Q\xa0\x12\xd0\x02P\x1e$:\xe8\x12b\x012\x01\x11\

\xcc\xf2a\xd0l\x88\xb3 ,\x10\x99\x14B\x02\xc4 \x03\xd0<\xd0M\x90\x12\x10\xa0
\x14$\tD\x11\x10`\x16,VY\xc1\xaa\x9e\xb7\xe0D\x8dj&\x9f%34\x04\xd8 \x0b \xb2\

\xab\xcbe\x98\xca\x1fg@\n \x01#\x848H\xf3B\xb7A\xf3\xb1\x07,\x82\x98\xde\x15\






\xf3\x15\n%\x1d\x82\x0ev6!\xa7_\xaf\x05K\x02L9\x94\x83Z3\xbd\xd5r\x12a 6\x82\


\x07\xbc6\xb8m\xf0]\x08\xbaXf\xc4\x96\x01F{\x06\xd0\r\xaa\xde\xbc\x97*\xd0m\ \xf6\x19\x08\x7f\xf16\xec\x1e\xe1\xb1\x8d{\xb6A\xbd\n\xdd&x\xceB\xe0\x0ex\ \x1d\x08\xdb)\x80\xa5\x88\xd5m\x00\x9c\xaa\xd2V>\xd0\xaaCw\x9eL\xd6bxq"\xae\


\xc8\x8a\xf5\x02M\x06\xe0y\x10\xb8i[\x16E\x80 p\xe0\xf4\xb1\x84\x9f\x9d\xe5\



\xb9q\xcd5\x80\x92\xc5\xc7\xd7\xac\xd6\xd3\xd3-\x13\xc8\x90R$\xc9B{\xa5 \xf1


\x9d/\xdeq\x80\xa9.\xd3\xa5\x0cs\x19'\xf9T\x14\x81\xa1\x0b2\x9a \x0c\xa0z%


\xb1\x7f\x01ZO\xc0s\xed\x0ev\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82~\x17/$’ )

def getMusic32Bitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getMusic32Image())

def getMusic32Image():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getMusic32Data())

return ImageFromStream(stream)

def getUser16Data():
return zlib.decompress(



\xf3\xb7U\xb3\x81#M\xe5g\xa4\xd220\xe3`\x84 \x19\x04S\x07w)\xc7|\x95\xa7\xb3\

\x1a\x89\x04B\xcd Y\x06 !2q\xa4\xb4\xc1r(\xae\xfd\xd3\xc2\x9b\xc9\x85a3\xaca





\xd7\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82\xc8\xd03+’ )

def getUser16Bitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getUser16Image())

def getUser16Image():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getUser16Data())
return ImageFromStream(stream)

def getUser32Data():
return zlib.decompress(

\x00\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\x00\x00szz\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x04sBIT\x08\x08\x08\x08\


T\xa4\x12E \xf1\x05\xb5H,a\x91\x8a\x80\xc2\x97\xa8\x15\x08\xda \x15\x01Q\xb6






\x17clb\xc6\x00C\x19\x9d\x91\x85<&\xd4\x08\x11 \x84\x03\xc6FI\x1d\x17\x10\

\xae1\xdb5c\x80\xb3\x83\x85c\xe9\xa1>t\xa81\x06\xac\x15x\xc6 \xdc\x10\xe1L\



\xd9\x8b'y\xb24\x7fx<c\xdf \xcd\x8d\xa9\xb4\xff\xed\x85\xa4x-\x1f\x8f/\xe1




\x1a\x1aK\xd9\xbd\xfd\xb3d\xf2\x19\x94) M\x01\xc7\x83\xfd\x07_\xe1\xf8\xf1


\x1c\x05\x95G\x99\xe0\xdd\x11\x9a\x90 \x0c\x08\x94\xe2\xf2\xc05\xf6\xbd\xf0r\


\x00\xe7\x1e6\xd5\xce\xa9 \x97\x0f\x88\xf9\x1a\xad\rZk\x941\xf8\xae\xc4s\x03


\x86\\x90G\xba\nM\x8c7;{p\x84KMM9 \xf0\x1c7J\xee\x08\x10\xe0L^\xa8\x0c\x06

B\x89\xd6\x9a \x0c\x91\xa1F\xa3\x19\x1e\xbd\xc1\xf9\xae~2\xb9<\x13\x13ynd

\xde\x02\xa0w\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82i9j\x97’ )

def getUser32Bitmap():
return BitmapFromImage(getUser32Image())

def getUser32Image():
stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getUser32Data())
return ImageFromStream(stream)