Image Quality

Quality of images scaled using

Image.Scale or Image.Rescale is poor (using
quality=wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL parameter) and is not noticeably
better when using wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH.

I've read some discussion about it, but mosly from 2002-2007...

What's the 2011 way to get the best image quality when displaying jpeg
image data in wxPython?


areohbee wrote:

Quality of images scaled using

Image.Scale or Image.Rescale is poor (using
quality=wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL parameter) and is not noticeably
better when using wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH.

I've read some discussion about it, but mosly from 2002-2007...

What's the 2011 way to get the best image quality when displaying jpeg
image data in wxPython?

What direction are you scaling? If you have a small image that you are
scaling up, you can't create new information. It's always going to be


Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

What’s the 2011 way to get the best image quality when displaying jpeg
image data in wxPython?

The PIL package for Python has a selection of image filtering methods to help improve image appearance. For an overview see:

[Python Imaging Library (PIL)](    about half way down the page.

Converting between PIL and WX image formats is easy with the attached function. If you don’t need transparency then just simply specify “wantAlpha=False” when appropriate.

Ray Pasco (5.45 KB)

Thanks - PIL has cured my ills - quality much better!
I much appreciate the great conversion functions.


On Mar 10, 10:42 am, Ray Pasco <> wrote:

> > What's the 2011 way to get the best image quality when displaying jpeg
> > image data in wxPython?

The PIL package for Python has a selection of image filtering methods to
help improve image appearance. For an overview see:

Python Imaging Library

(PIL)<Search | Packt Subscription;
about half way down the page.

Converting between PIL and WX image formats is easy with the attached
function. If you don't need transparency then just simply specify
"wantAlpha=False" when appropriate.

Ray Pasco

Hi Tim,

I guess you need PIL to maintain image quality.

I was only upscaling and/or downscaling by about 15-20 percent and the
quality reduction was dramatic (reductions did not anti-alias, and
enlargements were way softer (regardless of quality setting) than what
I've gotten using PIL)



On Mar 9, 5:27 pm, Tim Roberts <> wrote:

areohbee wrote:
> Quality of images scaled using

> Image.Scale or Image.Rescale is poor (using
> quality=wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL parameter) and is not noticeably
> better when using wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH.

> I've read some discussion about it, but mosly from 2002-2007...

> What's the 2011 way to get the best image quality when displaying jpeg
> image data in wxPython?

What direction are you scaling? If you have a small image that you are
scaling up, you can't create new information. It's always going to be

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.