Rune Devik wrote:
I'm having some trouble with my frozen application and was just wondering if somebody else also has experienced something like this. When I run the program from source all icons with transparency are displayed correctly but the frozen application just shows a black background instead of the transparency. The icon is loaded and converted to a bitmap and then drawn directly onto a frame using wx.StaticBitmap. The SetBitmap call is used to update this icon.
I will try to make a simple code example in the days to come but for now I'm just curious if anybody else has had this problem.. (I'm currently using pyinstaller ( to do the freezing and I have not yet had the time to test with e.g. py2exe or cx_freeze. )
You are probably not adding a manifest resource, or placing a manifest file next to the .exe. It's this manifest that tells windows to load the newest version of the common controls DLL, and with the older version of the common controls DLL the static bitmap widget doesn't support alpha in the images.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!