Icon size problem with toolbar on OS X


While my toolbar works great on Windows and GTK, icons are much too
small on Mac OS X. See:


The icons are 36x36 pixel png files.

Could you have a look at the code below and tell me what is wrong?


# ----------------
# Code for toolbar
# ----------------

import os, wx

PROG_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/'

icon_size = (36, 36)

_action_path = PROG_DIR + "icons/actions/"

icons = {"FileNew": _action_path + "filenew.png",
         "FileOpen": _action_path + "fileopen.png",
         "FileSave": _action_path + "filesave.png",
         "FilePrint": _action_path + "fileprint.png",
         "EditCut": _action_path + "edit-cut.png",
         "EditCopy": _action_path + "edit-copy.png",
         "EditCopyRes": _action_path + "edit-copy-results.png",
         "EditPaste": _action_path + "edit-paste.png",
         "Undo": _action_path + "edit-undo.png",
         "Redo": _action_path + "edit-redo.png",
         "Find": _action_path + "edit-find.png",
         "FindReplace": _action_path + "edit-find-replace.png",

class MainToolbar(wx.ToolBar):
    """Main application toolbar, built from attribute toolbardata

    toolbardata has the following structure:
    [[toolobject, "Methodname", "Label",
                  "Iconname", "Tooltip", "Help string"] , \
    ["Separator"] ,\


    tool = wx.ITEM_NORMAL

    toolbardata = [
    [tool, "OnFileNew", "New", "FileNew", "New spreadsheet",
        "Create a new, empty spreadsheet"], \
    [tool, "OnFileOpen", "Open", "FileOpen", "Open spreadsheet",
        "Open spreadsheet from file"], \
    [tool, "OnFileSave", "Save", "FileSave", "Save spreadsheet",
        "Save spreadsheet to file"], \
    ["Separator"] , \
    [tool, "OnUndo", "Undo", "Undo", "Undo", "Undo last operation"], \
    [tool, "OnRedo", "Redo", "Redo", "Redo", "Redo next operation"], \
    ["Separator"] , \
    [tool, "OnShowFind", "Find", "Find", "Find", "Find cell by
    content"], \ [tool, "OnShowFindReplace", "Replace", "FindReplace",
    "Replace", "Replace strings in cells"], \
    ["Separator"] , \
    [tool, "OnCut", "Cut", "EditCut", "Cut", "Cut cells to clipboard"],
    \ [tool, "OnCopy", "Copy", "EditCopy", "Copy",
        "Copy the input strings of the cells to clipboard"], \
    [tool, "OnCopyResult", "Copy Results", "EditCopyRes",
  "Copy Results", "Copy the result strings of the cells to the
    clipboard"], \ [tool, "OnPaste", "Paste", "EditPaste", "Paste",
    "Paste cell from clipboard"], \
    ["Separator"] , \
    [tool, "OnFilePrint", "Print", "FilePrint", "Print current
    spreadsheet", "Print current spreadsheet"], \

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        wx.ToolBar.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.parent = args[0]

    def _add_tools(self):
        """Adds tools from self.toolbardata to self"""
        for tool in self.toolbardata:
            obj = tool[0]
            if obj == "Separator":
            elif obj == self.tool:
                methodname = tool[1]
                label = tool[2]
                icon = wx.Bitmap(icons[tool[3]], wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)
                icon2 = wx.NullBitmap
                tooltip = tool[4]
                helpstring = tool[5]
                toolid = wx.NewId()
                self.AddLabelTool(toolid, label, icon, icon2, obj,
                                  tooltip, helpstring)
                raise TypeError, "Toolbar item unknown"

app = wx.App()

top = wx.Frame(None, title="Hello World", size=(300,200))


Try using a standard icon size like 32x32 or 48x48


On 11/14/10 2:26 PM, Martin Manns wrote:


While my toolbar works great on Windows and GTK, icons are much too
small on Mac OS X. See:


The icons are 36x36 pixel png files.

Could you have a look at the code below and tell me what is wrong?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman