

I have a piece of HTML code that contains ™ for
the trademark symbol. How do I convine the HTMl
window to display it.

Also, when the HTML window is open, the rest of my app
is very slow. Why?


Redhat 9.0
Python 2.4


Nigel W. Moriarty, \alphabet_soup

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Seg, 2005-04-04 às 11:16 -0700, Nigel W. Moriarty escreveu:


I have a piece of HTML code that contains ™ for
the trademark symbol. How do I convine the HTMl
window to display it.

Also, when the HTML window is open, the rest of my app
is very slow. Why?

Are you mixing wxPython and wxHTML, like in the HtmlWindow demo?

I just found that, at least in wxPython (Linux), in
the HtmlWindow (button: with widgets) demo when the ScrolledWindow is
shown the cpu load goes to 100%.
Robin, I think this is a bug.

On ms windows works well.


Nigel W. Moriarty wrote:


I have a piece of HTML code that contains ™ for
the trademark symbol. How do I convine the HTMl
window to display it.

I don't know, ask about this on wx-users.

Also, when the HTML window is open, the rest of my app
is very slow. Why?

Does it make any difference how much or what kind of html is displayed? In either case, I don't know about this one either so please ask on wx-users.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!