how to write data that has been read from a text file to a multiline

how would i convert the list to a string?
one suggestion was to make it:

irradiance = process(data)

is this correct???


--- Robin Dunn <> wrote:

jan rienyer gadil wrote:

> now i am having problem on where to put the:
> def process(list_of_lines):
> data_points =
> for line in list_of_lines:
> data_points.append(int(line))
> return data_points
> since everytime i write this after the
eventButton, i
> get an error.

What error?

> and also will this be correct on writing to the
> wxtextctrl:
> irradiance = process(data)
> self.Irradiance_Execute .SetValue(irradiance)

Almost. You'll want to convert your list to a
string first.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax
with wxPython!


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jan rienyer gadil wrote:

how would i convert the list to a string?
one suggestion was to make it:

irradiance = process(data)

is this correct???

Yes, that would work if what you want is all the list items to be joined together with no spaces or anything else between them. Use ' '.join if you want spaces between them, or '-' to separate by dashes, or whatever. Or you can just use str(irradiance) to get a representation of the list with the commas and the [ and ].


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!